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Lambic behind the bar

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:57 pm
by Lambic
**A few minutes after Corbyn, Lantham, and Atrum leave for the Guild Hall Lambic re-enters the Inn and walks behind the bar. He carefully sets his pack down in a corner or under a table. He then proceeds to wash his hands and pour himself an ale. He looks up and down the bar to make sure no one is in need, then makes himself comfortable.**

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:57 pm
by Lambic
**After making sure everyone at the bar is filled up and settled in, Lambic crosses back to his pack. He reaches down and pulls out a simple but sturdy looking box. He proceeds to place the box on the table a couple feet from the bar and starts retrieving several articles from inside it. Among the bottles and bags he pulls out a black bag which he holds up to his nose and sniffs. He sneezes and says "Oh, yeah that's it!" He goes back in the box and removes his mortar and pestle. The black bag lands next to the mortar and pestle and the rest of the bags and bottles land back in the box which is then closed.

Lambic crosses back to the bar and begins searching through the bottles behind it. As he mumbles to himself he reads the different labels. Finally he grabs one and holds it up to the light. "Aaah, this will do."

The brown liquid and the purple contients of the black bag go into the mortar and pestle and he works it a bit. After a bit of eblow grease, He scoops a bit of a thick, white substance out the mortar and rolls it between the palms of his hands. As soon as it is spherically shaped he gentlly lies it to rest on the edge of the mortar. He continues until the entire mortar is ringed with little white balls.

Lambic crosses the to the bar once again, replaces the bottle from where he had liberated it. He picks up a clean glass pours some water in it and sets in down in front of one of the village guard sitting at the bar. The guard looks up in groggy, blurry eyed surprise. Still with out a word, Lambic retrieves one of the white balls from his collection. The white ball is deposited in the glass of water. "I think you better drink this friend. With fire pits and ancient grave yards disappearing and reappearing under their own volition I think your services may yet be needed this day. I'm sure that you've had a tough day, but you don't look like the kind of guy that will not let that stop him from doing what needs to get done."

The white ball in the water slowly oozes pink into the glass of water and starts to bubble.**

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:35 am
by GM-Mike
As Lambic sits idly behind the bar, wondering if anyone was thirsty, the inn begins to creak, a nasty high-pitched noise that followed by silence. Then, almost as suddenly, the inn appears to expand outward, leaving Lambic to wonder if he did something wrong with his brew.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:53 am
by Dallid
*Dallid rushes in through the broad front entrance and looks around the now vast open hall*

Is everyone all right?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:42 pm
by Lambic
Damn! Don't tell me I grabbed the absinthe by accident again. Grrrr....third time this month.

**Lambic stares at his glass with disgust. Then gives a sniff.**

Hmmm...nope this is the right stuff. Must mean the building is wrong.

--insert Dallid bursting in here--

No, Dallid I think everyone is ok....**scans the room just to make sure then his head snaps back to look at Dallid.** Hey Dallid when did you get here? Wait never mind that can wait. You double check the people here and I will check....ummm....upstairs??!!??

**Lambic grabs his sword and shield and starts towards the newly appeared stairs.**

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:07 am
by Anvyrin Onyk'undi
*Vir-Drake and Annika step into the Inn moments after Dallid*

"Lambic! What the hell is going on around here? And where are the Phoenix? I need to be updated on this now."

*Vir-Drake seems to take up his old attitude with Lambic*

"I need Sethreal to take a sweep of the area. I need Shale and Ravinal to set up a post around the Inn. I need you to explain to me what's going in. And where the hell is Donovan?"

*The old Drake definatly seems to be showing as he barks out his orders*

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 9:48 am
by Ug
Ug steps into the Inn and barrels into Anvyrin, shoving him toward the ground (PRESS).*


*Ug's eyes fill with fire and hatred.*

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:54 am
by Dallid
*Dallid’s eyes and hands glow with a greenish tinge as he beckons Nature (charging Root)*

She destroyed herself, as I understand the situation. What do you hope to accomplish here, save your own ultimate destruction? You are not even certain whom you attack. Calm yourself. Patience.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:58 am
by Ug
*Ug's furious eyes turn toward Dallid*


*He looks back to Anvyrin*


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:14 pm
by Lambic
**Lambic, just on the stairs, stopped and turned to answer Drake. Before he could however, Ug made his entrance.**

UG! Damn it! If you are still this upset, why did you wait till now to ask for the rest of the story?

Better not kill Drake yet becuase he is one of the only people in that room that can give you the full story.

**As he speaks Lambc drops his sword and slowly makes his way toward DRake, still holdng his shield.**

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 4:43 am
by Anvyrin Onyk'undi
*In a very calm and soothing voice*

"Yes Ug, I am Drake. And to answer your question, yes and no. I wasn't the one who killed Nuk. But I also didn't stand up for her when she need me. So I am to blame for her death, even if someone else did the dirty work. If you would like me to tell you the story I will. But if you would feel peace in this by killing me then do so."

*Vir-Drake shows no signs of getting out of the way of anything that Ug will do to him. He just looks Ug in the eyes and waits for his decision*

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:53 am
by Ug
*Ug pulls his knife, and holds the blade pointing toward the ground, but the dagger outward from him, at the ready. He breathes heavily for a moment, and calms, dagger still held at the ready. He speaks clearly*

Tell me then Drake of the Phoenix, tell me of Onyksi Rin'oviryn's fate and how you are at fault. Explain why you let this come to be and how this occurred. I would also be interested in knowing why you lied about your identity when you came to be in your new form.

*Ug looks about.*

I also plan to propose that we outlaw Reincarnation.

*He looks back to the Dark Elf*

Do not lie to me Drake of the Phoenix. I am very adept at detecting such impurities in the truth.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:56 am
by Lambic
**Lambic slowly keeps moving closer to Drake.**

**mumbles**Little late for that.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 1:03 pm
by Sethreal
*Sethreal enters the inn with a weary look. When he sees what is going on he slowly puts his cloak down and makes sure not to touch his weapons.*

"What is going on Lambic?"

*Seth speaks in a calm tone but is very wary.*

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 1:59 pm
by Lambic
Ug has not yet heard in full detail the story of what happened in frostfell. He does know that Nuk is dead and is of the opinion that Drake here can fill in the details. I believe that Drake was just about to give all of us listening a eye witness account of what happened there.