Gone Scouting: Day One

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Post by Tarn »

*Prior to the noises, Tarn had been sitting against a tree inspecting his sword for any damages and sharpening it*

*Tarn gets up quickly, picking up his sword from the ground in the process, looks at Varys with an expression as if to say 'crap, I wanted a quiet evening'. He then quickly glances at everyone else before facing the northwest and starts listening intently for any more noises.*
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Post by Tarn »

*after hearing Fy'Rin, Tarn starts moving closer to the fire still facing the northwest.*
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Post by WayneO42 »

Another roar is heard from the east, this time much closer. It is answered by three roars coming from the northwest
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jason eldereth
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Post by jason eldereth »

I beleve we are being scouted for food by a group of wild cats Be ready they will pounce any moment .

"takes the left side of ollomm looking for Mc'ewan to be on his right Draws
Sword and readys his shield for defence."

Be ready the lead one will attack first trying to distract us from the 3 to our North West Side..

Elly Get close to Ollomm and myself I will try to keep my self between you and our attackers so you can prepare your boomers.
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Post by Ironhand »

*Ollumm look up swftly and replace the clay flute to his side. Move with gear in hand back into the circle. Huffs the air a few times with a large intake of air. Than with a loud thunderous beller of steel on steel. Claps his sword to sheild a few times. Awaiting for a incoming charge.*

"Grr It is a few cats an the winds are changing. Hopefully the loud ringing of steel to steel will drive them off. If not be ready for them. I am not about to be a cats food tonight.

Eli you best be on my backside so I can shield gaurd you if you need to cast. That way if one does charge we can best it quickly.

Jason do not cats like to drop on their preys? If so let make sure we watch the trees for movement. Also Jason is there some kind of plant that will make them go away awell?

Tarn up might tighting up the back side of the Ring. McEwan Tuck that right flank in so they can not break us. Vary can you and Lady Skress watch the back side with Tarn. Seen how tarn can not talk. It would be good to have someone that can. Been a long time Tarn sence we have slapped steel with each other. "

*Ollumm muscle down into a defencive stance and brace himself for the worse off. A sickly grin come to his face.*

"McEwan and Jason just like that pit fight you to got me into a few moons back. This is gone to be a bloody fun show if they come rushing in. I kind of mess those fights.. Maybe we should go back there and visit Elthon once we have time. But that is fro later."
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Post by McEwan »

*Lightly swings his Greataxe in a duel arc then calmly takes his possion at the right flank smileing broadly*

Aye that's what I been amissin', a good pit fight. An' me poor ballmauler 'ere, she hant'a had a drink in far to long I be athinkin', an' a wee lil' kitty be just the thirst quencher.

*Smiles around to the rest of the crew*

Now ye all be rememberin' ta give me an' me mauler a wee bit o' space. Me ol' weaponmaster no call it a circle o' death fer naught.

*Turns back to the night, unconscencously bouncing his axe on his shoulder*

Here kitty, kitty, kitty
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Post by Kathryn Skress »

No offense intended of course, Fy'rin, but I can hold my own should we be attacked. I do agree that Eli should be in the middle though.

*prepares her sword and shield for battle, and double-checks the fastenings of her armor*

Eli, stay in the middle, ok?
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Post by Varys Snow »

*Varys holds his sword loosely at his side, checking the group to make sure everyone's armor is on properly.*

"Jason, you found us a nice spot in this clearing." *Slaps him on the back.* "We'll be able to see anything that comes toward us. They'll have to jump a long ways indeed to get to us from any of those trees.

"If anyone is hurt or sees someone go down, let Jason or myself know and we'll get to you as quick as possible. "

*As he gets back to his position next to Tarn, he starts peering towards the tree line to see if he can spot any movement.*

"Tarn, point out anything you see to me."
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Post by WayneO42 »

out of nowhere, crashing through the underbrush from the east comes a heard of about twenty deer. Running behind them is a large cat with six inch long canine teeth extending from its upper jaw. It stands three feet high at the shoulder. It sinks its front claws into the slowest deer and pulls it to the ground. It sinks its teeth into the back of the deer's neck and the strugle stops. It lets out a roar from its bloody jaws and turns its attention to you.
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Post by Ironhand »

*Ollumm clangs sword to shield once more. Than huff a heavy loud grunt.*

"I told you McEwan it is just like than! An you know how much I love a good fight."

*Ollumm readys himself and awaits for the beast.*
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Post by Fy'Rin »

*Makes ready and awaits the cat to make it's move*

No offense taken, My lady, and I have no doubs about your ability to handle yourself. I'm sure your, very capable.
Last edited by Fy'Rin on Fri Aug 27, 2004 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tarn »

*Tarn grins as the the cat turns to the group and readys his sword to counter any attack from the cat.*
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Post by Varys Snow »

*Varys readies his sword and clenches his off-hand into a fist as he ducks under a deer that leaps over the group.*

"Oh I wish we had an archer with us." He groans. "That cat's meat would fetch us a bit of money in...what was that town we were in, Ollum, and you thought you were having a bit of deer steak? Anyway...be ready for the others to show up now that they have a kill. I would prefer to drive them off than kill them, but if not, then so be it!"

"Jason, you're the nature type of our party. Any thoughts on getting rid of this beast?"
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Post by McEwan »

*Begins to swing axe about himself in a continual arc*

Aye sar, I remember the tussle. Been missin; it

*Winks to Jason*

Ya may be awantin' ta be stepin' back a wee. Yer agettin' fatter an I dunna know iffin' me ol' bones can keep apullin' ya out o' fights by yer heels.

*turns to the great cat*

Now come ta me ya beasty, I be knowin' a lass in Woldholm who be lookin' fer a new rug.
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Post by WayneO42 »

The beast starts to slowly circle the group. A few moments later three more silently appear from the west and start circling as well.
Wayne O
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