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Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:45 pm
by McEwan
Plays with beard a bit

Aye, a dry spot iffin ya would. I not be awantin' ta be alyin' down ina swamp this eve.

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 9:04 pm
by Tarn
*Tarn nods in agreement*

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 9:07 pm
by Ironhand
*Ollumm once a camp site is found finds a place to lean back and watch most of the camp site. Than pull out a small clay flute and starts to play is softly. As if he was trying to remember how it was once played. Stop for a moment and speak.*

"Wish I could remember how to play this again. But time has made me rusty with which I am shalled to admit too. So no request at this time. I would hate to hurt your ears with that kind fo pain."

*a grin creep across his face, than he goes back to playing for a short time.*

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 9:41 am
by Fy'Rin
*Since it would appear that Jason had found a suitable camp site for the group. Fy'Rin scouts the perimeter a few times before he takes an uneasy seat under a tree set back a little from the rest of the camp.*

*As most of the crew knows Fy'Rin was never one to show emotion, except around the Captain. But it was unavoidable to notice that Fy'Rin's mood has grown darker as the day went on and he now looks content with his brooding.*

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 11:29 am
by Fy'Rin
*Fy'Rin, who has not moved from his spot under the tree, still looks content in sulking.*

*Those from the camp may notice him pull something out of his belt pouch and just stare at it for a very long moment. He clenches his fist around it tightly and raps his head against the tree a few times, before returing the object to his belt pouch. The camp fire dose glisten and sparkle off the object, but you are unable to make out what it is.*

*Fy'Rin sits in thought another moment then stands, takes a nip from his flask and begins to scout the perimiter again.*

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 3:29 am
by McEwan
*McEwan nods to Ollumm who is playing with his clay flute then walks past Fy'Rin who is playing with his pocket flute :wink: and sits outside the circle of the fire light with his back to the camp (head down and eyes in motion)

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 9:37 am
by jason eldereth
All Though Quiet Jason is holding a constant vigal around the camp looking for the wild's to show how bad they can get

Ollumm Does this remind you about the last eve we where hunting down that Damed Necro Its way to quiet and im feeling vary uneasy...

"moves much closer to Ollumm" At least your able to relax a bit and that is somewhat comforting to me go and play that sweet melody if your able.
Well I hope tommorow will be a much better Day and im confident his reach is not able to come this far, all though you did kill him Right,
"Glancing around nervasly" After all i did fall in that fight and was dragged away by you and Mc'ewan...

"looks to check if others are looking and then goes Quiet again"

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 12:26 pm
by Varys Snow
*Varys looks around the site to ensure that it is satisfactory. He stops and checks with each of the members to ensure that everything is alright and to see if there is anything they need, telling everyone they are doing a good job and this is going to be one easy assignment. He goes to Fy' Rin last and quietly speaks with him for a few minutes. He puts a hand on his shoulder which Fy’ Rin promptly - and violently - shrugs off. Varys looks at him for a few seconds and then turns and walks back into camp.*

“Hey, Ollumm, I need to speak to you for a bit.”

*As Ollumm goes to him, Varys leads him to the edge of the campsite and speaks to him in very low tones that are impossible to hear from more than a foot away. As they talk, his gaze keeps drifting over to different party members as if to reassure himself of what is being said. After about 10 minutes, they both nod and walk back to the camp. Varys sits down with his back to a tree and starts going over his notes of the day and sketches of his map.*

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 2:25 pm
by Kathryn Skress
Eli, did you bring your soldiers with you? Or maybe your cards?

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 10:12 am
by WayneO42
A load roar pierces the twilight from about a mile off to the east. It is answered with three roars from the north

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 10:23 am
by Fy'Rin
*Fy'Rin snaps to his feet and makes ready and rouses those who did not hear the roar(s)*

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 10:33 am
by Varys Snow
*To Kathryn with a half grin on his face as he puts his notes away and draws his sword.* "I think we might want to forgo any cards at this point."

*To everyone* "We are in a suitably defensible position here. I would rather we stay and see if whatever is out there passes us by. If they don't, I would rather face them here than out in open land. Any thoughts? Jason, do you see anything around the area, such as tracks, that would make us think we are by somethings lair or a game trail? Ollumm, Tarn, get ready boys, let me or Fy' Rin know if you need help getting your armor on."

(OOG: Wayne, are the roars familiar, like an animals, or is it something we have never heard before?)

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 10:57 am
by Kathryn Skress
Varys, I believe you are correct. *smiles back*

Perhaps we should build a fire? Most wild animals, and some of the monster types, will stay away from a fire.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:45 am
by WayneO42
OOG: For those with wilderness survival: The roar sounds like it is coming from a VERY large feline

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:55 am
by Fy'Rin
(OOG: Since it was our camp for the night, I would hope we would already have a fire going.)

We should form a circle, backs to one anohter, as close to the fire as we can manage. Eli and Skress in the middle.