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Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:58 pm
by Dredge
Wyrmwrath wrote: First the "real world" motivations you are using are being drawn from the modern civilization....modern motivation and modern political structure and philosophy are anachronistic in a fantasy LARP as they are almost all medevil settings...different paradigm back then different motivators....different needs and all that....
Humans are actually pretty regular animals. We fight for resources most of the time, with things like respect, morals, religion, and other reasons being artificially attached. We've had and have religious wars, but some of that is likely from crowding, need to obtain material goods, etc. If everyone was fed, happy, and had some space, we'd likely avoid a lot of war. you consider yourself an Evil person?
Huh? How did you draw that conclusion? Perhaps my statement didn't have enough context around it. This seems to be the second time a response has come very close to questioning my morals.
Have you ever talked to a serial killer, professional assassin, yakuza/mafia/triad member, drug dealer, terrorist ( one that did it professionaly....the rest think they are the good guys doing bad thing out of need), or true sociopath?

If you havent I will assure you getting to understand the reason somone would end the life of another can be and is so alien that it often is unfathomable to a "good" person. Few can be "good" and kill on a regular basis and of those fewer still remain free of the ice that settles in a persons heart (a refference to the strain on those like NAVY SEALS and such).
I agree with all of this, but I'm not sure what point your trying to make. There are those who are sociopaths and don't care and those who could care, but justify their actions. Good people don't kill habitually unless forced.
So in saying the PVP in a LARP seems to by illogical and incorrectly motivated may be in error for two reasons. First is yuo dont always get to find out why PC/NPC BOB kils PC/NPC DAVE. Second, you are looking at this, it seems, with logic from the wrong paradigm. What i suggest you may be doing, in essence, is judging the reasoning behind the crusades with the perspective of a modern small parish priest. Just an example...
I can't always know the reason behind their motivation, but 'Haha! I'm evil!" is usually obvious. Not saying I can't see the GOOD PVP results, just sometimes it can be cheesy and motivated by a need to basically prove one's 'awesomeness'. Rules cannot eliminate these bad roleplayers, but many cry foul if a GM tells someone what they can play as they may show favorites. So its a gamble either way as both systems depend on people being mature and good sports about things.

As far as paradigm, it really doesn't matter. Political machinations happen, crazy people happen, and people just following orders happens. Hate happens. Its all pretty basic.

Its not like nasty stuff doesn't happen in real history. There are Vlad Draculs and bandit cannibal cults in medieval times- but its rare. Its the same messed up stuff that happens today, we just didn't label or study it as much back then.

Not to mention that paradigm for medieval rarely matters with fantasy as true evil does exist in such settings. You can just label your character demon possessed, on a mission to destroy and kill in an effort to sow discord on the mortal realms versus saying he is a serial killer. It will operate in a similar fashion. I just don't think such characters add to the RP environment if they have no point other than to rack up a body count.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:43 pm
by Wyrmwrath
Huh? How did you draw that conclusion? Perhaps my statement didn't have enough context around it. This seems to be the second time a response has come very close to questioning my morals.

This was a yes or no question ralating to the rest of what i wrote. I was asking you a question, not making an assessment about you. Here is the entire query as I wrote it:
do you consider yourself an Evil person? If so then i'm suprised by your logic when stating those motivations. If you dont consider yourself evil, have you ever gotten to know somone that you felt was "evil" or stated they were.
in it i ask if yout consider your self evil or not. Dont disect it or it becomes something it wasnt meant to be,

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:25 pm
by Dredge
Not an accusation, more an observation. Really there was no point to asking if I consider myself an evil person. You could have merely asked if I'd ever gotten to know a RL terrorist, serial killer, etc.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 9:36 am
by GM_Chris
It was locked because people were geting all nasty, but so far people are not nasty so I do not care if people continue.

I think you guys are catching onto something.

There are two things here. 1) Role Playing, and 2) Mechanics.

I will address mechanics first.

Mechanically the Havenits were set up for success. If all of the Havenites banded together, picked up a sword and would fight you would have won..plain and simple, no doubts. THink Helm's deep. EVERYONE who could carried a sword. Mechanically if you all did that then you would have won. Physreps GREATER than disciplines.

Now on teh Role play Front
Some of you are saying you were doomed because on the Role play front you have neverbanded together. Well then USe that and create some cool RP on the RP boards. Why sit here and complain OOG when you can complain IG and actually create a cool story out of the defeat?

Tragedy creates Good Story!

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 9:43 am
by Brago
Not to echo what Chris just said but I was typing this as he left that last post:
You don’t know me because I have only been to one event (last November) and I was only able to attend for about five hours. Before that, I had never done anything even remotely related to LARPing before but I had a great time. I have been reading the rules when I have time and trying to educate myself on how your LARP works because I am really interested in participating with you; however, from what I have been reading lately, it seems like not many people are having fun. I don’t know what all the problems are and maybe I am out of line even commenting on anything about FH but maybe I can offer an objective view since I really don’t know anyone and am not on anyone’s “side”. Keep in mind that I hope I don’t offend anyone with my ignorance of how things work.

It looks like the people who put FH together did a great job. Whoever wrote the back-story and lore should be writing books and movies because they did an awesome job too.
What makes FH interesting to me is that there’s a story and to make/keep a story interesting, there has to be some danger and risk. I am a huge Lord of the Rings fan and I think they are the most awesome movies ever made. Before I saw the movies, I hadn’t read the books so I had no idea how the story was going to go. One of the things that made those movies so great was the uncertainty and the idea of “the bad guys are coming and they’re probably taking some of us with them”. Like when you see Gandalf fall into that pit and at that point in the movie you think he’s dead and then when Boromir dies. You’re sitting there with your mouth open thinking, “did that just happen”. It really pulls you in and affects you and stirs emotions. I think that’s what a good story does. If the whole thing was nothing but the good guys stomping all over the bad guys with no risk to themselves, it would be kind of boring. I would feel the same about FH if it was just something where at every event, the GMs just threw a few weak monsters out there for everyone to beat down and that was it. I mean, it’s your game and you can do what you want but if that was what I was reading all the time, I wouldn’t want to participate with you.

I get on the site pretty regularly and have read a lot of the postings. I know that there are more issues than I probably realize and I feel bad for the people who lost characters that they have been playing for so long and I guess I would be upset too, but as an outsider, the current FH story has just gotten a lot more interesting to me. I can’t wait until I am able to get more involved!

Jason (aka: Brago)

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 12:02 pm
by Kale
Jason: I don't think anyone is saying that FH isn't fun, just that there are some who had some issues with how the last event went. With only one or two "not so great" or even "bad" event out of 4 or more per year, for several years now, I'd have to say that is a pretty good track record. ;-)

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 3:35 pm
by Brago
You're right. I'm sure everyone is having fun or they wouldn't be doing it. That was a poor choice of words on my part. I guess where I was coming from was that in reading the feedback from other events, it seems to me like some people were more upset after this one as compared to others. I was just offering up my point of view, inexperienced as it is.
I should probably just mind my own business :)

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 8:06 pm
by Todd
Brago! Dude! Where have you been? Nice helmet by the way. ;)

Thread Hi-Jack complete!

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 8:01 am
by Brago
I wanted to come to the last event but I had to work and unfortunately it looks like I'm working during every event until October.
Sorry, I didn't mean to hi-jack the thread. I don't even know what that means. :?

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 11:47 pm
by Brago
Sorry to kill your conversation.....please continue.