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Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:19 am
by Onimaster
Val pulls over another tankard and pours a drink for Mohdri and offers the seat as the scar around his neck slowly regenerates disappearing entirely.

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:41 am
by Rothek
:dumbfounded to what has just occurred, ulfgar rubbed his eyes and closed them fo a moment expecting to see something different when he opened them, but the same thing stood there in front of him, he walked over and planted himself at a seat and proceed to finish the contents of the drink he had offered val, and pulled another from his pack took a long drink some of the drink spilling down his cheeks and becoming trapped in his beard:

"by the herald, that just happened."

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:23 pm
by Rhul
Rhul slowly looks this way and that, taking in the entire scene and what just happened. Finally he cocks a quizzical eyebrow and relaxes back in his chair.

"Well. I, er....seem to be at a loss for words."

He shakes his head and looks to Ulfgar, and slides a wooden goblet across the table to him.

"Hmm....Ulfgar, would you mind pouring me some of that? Thank you."

He then looks to Modhri

"Modhri, truer words have never been said. What in the blazes just happened?"

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:48 pm
by Rothek
:ulfgar nods and fills rhul's goblet and hands it back to him, still wide eye to what had just transpired:

'ere yeh go lad"

:ulfgar proceeds to finish the contents of the second bottle, and sets it down by the other:

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:52 pm
by Adam
Mohdri pushes the offered tankard away steps back from Val ...

"Intersting trick. The last time my head was taken..." he emphasizes the razor thin scar circling his neck, seemingly the only scar on his body that has never healed properly, " took some very powerful elven mages and the life energy of a witch hunter to bring me back."

Claws flashing quickly and getting into a combat posture, "Care to explaine how you just did that?"

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:54 pm
by Onimaster
Val just keeps drinking from his tankard as he talks to Mohdri, "I thought I had told you? I'm cursed."

He sets his mug down looking over to the elf with sad eyes. "I failed my people somehow, and my place in the Hall of Father's has been stripped from me. I am cursed to forever walk in shame, torment, and dishonor shackled with a thirst I can never sate till my honor is restored. If it hadn't been for Korrigan and Atrum I'd still be trapped in the Dreaming with no chance of my deeds ever being worthy of cleansing me of my burdens and being rent asunder by nightmares until the breaking of the realms."

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 6:56 pm
by Esmerelda
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Staring transfixed with horror as the fight breaks out between the two men, Esmerelda doesn't even notice Auora's protective presence. As Val walks in with his head attatched she goes into the kitchen and grabs a bottle of wine. She starts to pour it in her goblet but then changes her mind and talks a long draw straight from the bottle.

"Yes, Val, you said you were cursed. I don't think any of us realized just how far that curse would go to preserve you for your fate."

She turns a somber look to Korrigan. "While I suppose I should thank you for defending my honor, if Val were not sitting and breathing in front of me right now I'd already have you in irons for murder..."

She stumbles to her desk and sits heavily, at a loss for what to do or say next.

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 7:15 pm
by Zeira
Francesco stares at everyone for a moment, still stunned by everything going on


Francesco turns to Esmerelda, a look of disappointment can be seen on his face

"My lady, I know that what has just transpired is quite a shock but please remember you must maintain an image. Use a proper receptacle for your wine in public."

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:48 pm
by GM-Taki
*Korrigan looks up from his drink and nods to Esmerelda.*

"Aye, my Queen, and I'd expect to be in irons for lopping the melon off of a townsperson, but I knew damn well Val here wasn't going anywhere. We got to know something about each other in the dreaming, and that was before he got drafted by Life last moon. He's all sorts of special now."

*Korrigan nudges Val with his elbow as he pours himself another drink. Laughing, he leans back tips his hat back a bit.*

"I miss Atrum and all, but Val here's about the best roommate a guy could have. If he gets to snoring too loud I just kill him and he shuts right up for a while. Stubby bastard doesn't even notice."

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:15 am
by Smitty19
*Serith looks upon just the same as everyone else...after a couple moments he kinda snaps out of it, and only says...

"Well Son of a bitch, that was some trick..."

*Serith nods to Esmerelda and looks up to his perch on the bannister and heads back up there.

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:28 am
by Aurora
*Aurora remains near Esmerelda even after she sits down. She then turns her attention to her Uncle while glaring at Val a few times. Still hasn't put her sword away and upon Mohdri being in a more combative stance, her sword is ready to go an at moment's notice without any hesitation.*

Uncle, mind explaining the type of magic involved with that for based on a basic dsscription and Val talking about a thirst. Let's put it this way, the Witch-Hunter in me needs a better understanding. Right now my brain is going with ancient magic, dark deal, and that's NEVER good.

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:57 am
by Onimaster
Val takes another long drink of his mug and the looks at Aurora saying, "Witch hunters hunt necromancers. I'm a dwarf. What does necromancy have to do with being a dwarf?"

Then he looks over at Korrigan with a laughing smile, "I wondered why I kept waking up with a kink in my back; scoundrel."

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:16 pm
by Aurora
*Looking at Val even more coldly then before*

Dark magic is dark magic and I never said anything about necromancy. My Uncle asked you a question and I suggest you start talking.

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:40 pm
by Esmerelda
"Aurora. Enough. Put your weapon away. Val's curse is what keeps him alive. And the thirst he speaks of is for ale."

Looking at the bottle in her hand and then glancing at Francesco, she picks up her goblet and pours herself a glass.

Looking around the room, she takes note of who still is present.

"Rhul, here are the guard contracts. Please make a dozen copies so I can sign and seal them so they'll be ready when we start hiring the guard.

"Malachi, I believe you have a list for me?"

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:42 pm
by Onimaster
He nods to Esmeralda, "Thanks."

He takes the bottle and refills his mug looking back to Mohdri addressing his question. "Sadly, I can't remember what did this to me. The years I spent in the dreaming robbed me of many of my memories before that time. It may be part of the curse, but what I did and what became of my brothers, Blackthorn, and my uncle is all a blur. The dragon Requius told me he would help me find out why I am this way, but when I last sought him out he claimed there was a great danger lurking and cast Orion and I out of the dreaming again."