Inner Strife

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by GM-Mike »

"We called our town..." The man shakes his head, trying to find the right words. "We called our home, Skeldergate. It is a fair distance from here, seevral days walk. We had heard that true heroes had arrived on the outskirts of Caldonia, thoguh for the life of me I couldn't understand what they would be doing here. So I came to see for myself, and now I understand a little better."
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum walks over to where the brew is stored and grabs one of his bottles*

Here here Korrigan.

Unless any of you feel you need me to tell you something else that will make you feel better about yourselves, I have things to do.

*Clearly annoyed at this point, Atrum looks around and leaves mumbling something about dealing with silliness.*
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Post by Darkclaw »

*Darkclaw speaks up*

What ever happened of all the people of Far Reach following Esmeradla and Mohdri would be the constiable keeping the law of the land?

And ask yourself this question, would you let Ingrahm the dark elf live in this town if he did not have so much wealth and such powerful magic items? I think most of you would have thrown his argonent ass out many moons ago if it wearn't for his power and wealth.
I personaly dislike Ingrahm but I thought after such a long time away, the town would have thrown him out or killed him by now. You know, if he is killed, the town would still keep his wealth and a more worthy person could wield his magic items. So the town really wouldn't be lossing anything. I say let Ingrahm and Atrum fight to the death, true death, and have the people of Far reach abide by the out come with penality of banishment if they do not. These are tough times and it takes a tough stance to survive them.
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Post by GM-Mike »

People studying the newcomer will notice a slight raise of the eyebrows at Darkclaw's statements. As quickly as it was there, the sign of interest, of emotion, quickly vanishes, and he continues drinking without comment.
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Post by Rhul »

*Rhul nods in welcome to Fendrel (although he is likely a bit taken aback by such a bestial appearance), and looks to Darkclaw*

I believe you must have been gone since I arrived. My name is Rhul.

(at Darkclaw's comment) Oh, to be sure, I follow Esmerelda in her lead of the town, though I likely would help anyone else with a just cause as well. As for Atrum and Ingram....I would rather they were both fighting at my side when the going gets tough, so to speak, rather than choosing one or the other.

I don't mind Ingram because he done me no wrong, and neither has Atrum. They are both good in a fight, and that's something this place seems to need.
Last edited by Rhul on Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dallid »

“Why should Far Reach allow Ingram to live here? Why should it let me live here? Or you? If we attacked or drove away everyone who ever angered or frustrated us, no one would remain alive in this world save hermits. The worst punishments should not be used for every offense, but be reserved for the worst transgressions.”

Dallid returns his attention to Gaunt. “Appologies. As you may have gathered, a great betrayal occurred recently which yet has many on edge. You say you came to find ‘heroes’.”

He indicates those in the Inn.

“Are these indeed the people you sought, then? Where else would they be, if not here? Do you seek their aid?”
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Post by GM-Mike »

"Where would they be? Hmm, let's see. I guess out somewhere being...heroic. Out where they're needed as opposed to hiding in the shadows. As for needing their help? From my vantage point, you seem hardly capable of helping yourselves, so what aid could you possibly provide me?"
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Post by Dallid »

"Few here sit idle - one can be 'heroic' here just as anywhere else. And the only way to discover if we can help you is to ask."
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Post by GM-Taki »

*Pouring another drink, Korrigan gives the newcomer a nod.*

"Look, Fendrel, folks around here are generally goody-goodies, and in that sense, they're heroes. They'll rush off and risk their neck to help someone in trouble, but they usually don't ask too many questions. Scratch that, they usually don't ask the right questions, but that's probably because they're nice folk. It's friggin' hilarious, actually. These poor bastards will trust damn near anyone except the people they live with."

*Snickering, Korrigan gestures around the room."

"Yeah, they're good at killing shit, solving riddles and such... but they're not so good at being sneaky, keeping secrets or working together. So basically, if you've got something with vaguely questionable morals that needs to die, you're in the right spot. Anything more subtle than that and you'd best lay out some specifics if you're hoping for help from these folks."
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Post by Adam »

(To Fell, a little late in coming)
Maybe I'll tell you about it later.

*Mohdri continues to watch and listen to the conversation going on in the inn.

*at the anouncment of Korrigan buying, "Whatever you got to make a headache go away, Korrigan, or at least make me forget about it for a while would be nice."
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Post by GM-Taki »

*Korrigan winks at Mohdri and grabs an ornate wooden bottle from under the bar. He pours a white, milky liquid into a wooden drinking bowl and sprinkles some herbs over the beverage. Korrigan comes around the bar and hands the drink to Mohdri carefully.*

"This will fix you up right quick, but don't let it touch anything metal or it will spoil in a flash. This here beverage has got a very particular disposition, it does."
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Post by GM-Mike »

Fendrel considers what Korrigan has to say and responds this way: "I'm afraid what I need help with requires a touch more unity, a touch more teamwork, and a far greater appreciation for how they fit into the world. But we'll work on all that."
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Post by Eli »

*Comes running out of one of the back rooms followed by a puff of smoke!

Did you say you're buying!! :) I'll have a mug please!

*looks around the room to make sure Esmeradla isn't looking

Make that a double ;)

Say, didn't someone say something just a little bit ago about being able to talk to people who were dead??? Could you please come talk to me in back about that. (pm please)
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora turns her attention to Fendrel and looks suspicious.*

What do you mean by teaching us to have a far greater appreciation for how we fit into the world? Believe me sir I do agree with you on a few points you've made but that last phrase has me quite curious. Care to elaborate?
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Adam »

Without even looking at Aurora,

"He didn't say 'teach'... he said 'have'. Having an appretiation for one's place in the world can't be taught. Only found by ourselves individually alone. And I agree with him. We haven't. At least not very many of us."