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Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:05 am
by Todd
*relaxing only slightly*
"Um.. Ok.. sure, I'd like to tell you more, but I have to admit I'm a bit tired and wouldnt mind retiring to the Inn for a drink. Do you have any idea when you might be returning?"

*to Fy'Rin'* "No.. of course.. nothing personal"

*looks around at the group still a bit sheepishly*

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 8:16 am
by Kathryn Skress
*Kathryn, who had been acting more protectively towards Eli then offensively towards Dusk, picks up her pack again*

I imagine Atrum has drinks in the Inn, he usually does.

*to the rest*

Shall we go?

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 8:55 am
by Varys Snow
*Varys looks a little disappointed at the lack of opportunity to speak with Dusk*

“I am not sure when we’ll be back, we have business both to the south and the north, and I want to get some maps made of the surrounding areas for at least 4 days out in any direction. It may be a little while before we get back in town. Leave word with Atrum as to your whereabouts. When we get back, I’ll find out from him where you are so we can talk about your trade.”

*Nods to Kathryn* “I agree, let’s get going.”

*To Fy' Rin and Jason* "Let's get started."

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 3:59 pm
by Fy'Rin
*Fy'rin nods and begins to scout ahead of the party.*

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 9:41 pm
by Ironhand
*Ollumm grunts and backs up than wheels around to start heading out. *

"Okay I am good, lets get out of this place. And Yes I meant Woodhold not WoodHaven M'lady Skress. "

*Ollumm Looks to Jason and Fy'Rin making sure he is in the front of the back group.*

"hey McEwan lets get moving we got a lot to cover."

*Ollumm looks around as they set out. Watching the village folk as they do there normal daily work. Waves to a few as they pass out of town. But always keeping his cutlass with in a quick draw if needed. *

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 10:54 pm
by Todd
*Dusk slips out of the ring of people when everyone starts to move, then begins moving twords the Inn*
"I look forward to your safe return"

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:52 pm
by Varys Snow
*He watches Dusk leave with a look of curiosity on his face. As Dusk disappears towards the Inn, he shrugs and heads out. He moves up to Kathryn and Eli as they are walking along.*

“Our introductions were somewhat interrupted. I didn’t realize I was going to have extra help on this mapping job. While it is unlooked for, it is also greatly appreciated.”

*While talking to Kathryn and Eli, he is keeping an eye on Fy’Rin and Jason, watching them for any signals of trouble.*

“What brings you out on a tedious little job such as mapping. I’ve been doing it most of my life, so it is natural to me. The only difference is, all the charts I made before were maps of rivers and bodies of water to make sure our captains knew where low water and other hazards were as well as other things. Now that my ship is in the middle of a desert...hey, you wouldn’t know any way to move an 80’ vessel from a location far away to here, would you? Just thought I’d check. It would be good to have my deck under my feet again instead of this ground. You just can’t walk right when there is no give or movement, know what I mean? Anyways, I don’t have much chance to make water charts, so I thought I’d get to work making land charts. Thanks again for coming along”

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 9:03 pm
by Ironhand
*Ollumm listin to them talk and watches for Fy'Rin and Jason to sign if there is trouble. Than he grunts under his breathe.. and than chuckles. As he sweaps Eli off the ground and places him on his shield side shoulder.*

"Yes it was mighty nice of you folks to come along. I hope that we can make WoodHold in a few days without to much trouble. It would be nice to see a large city again.

So Lady Skress if I might ask. How did you find your way into Haven? I would think that a lady like yourself would be in a larger place than that. No disrehonor meant, I am just wondering.

*Ollumm keeps a steadfast pace with the main group. making sure Eli does not topple off his shoulder.*

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:42 am
by McEwan
McEwan takes up a possision in the rear, mumbleing something about burning day-light and gradually falls behind

(OOG. short legs) :?

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:51 pm
by Ironhand
*Ollumm chuckles as they walk on toward WoodHold. *

"It is okay McEwan it could be like the last time. You can take up point like in that swamp. But I do not think you would like that. Seen how jason and I had to pull you out of the bog bread first.. (grins at McEwan)"

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:33 am
by Kathryn Skress
*To Varys*

Ah, one of Robin's men, are you? Well, the reason I'm coming along is primarily at the request of Eli, but also to help escort the party and gain passage to Woodhold. I was heading there anyway, and I figured a little extra security can always be helpful out in the wilderness. As for moving a vessel... well, maybe the transportation portals that our casters have recently discovered? I'm not sure how you could push a ship through one, but surely there might be a way.

*Smiles at Ollumm*

None taken. The story of how I came to be here is a long one, but the short of it is that after the cataclysm, my people could not make a living of it in my capital city, so I brought as many of my peasants here as I could, having heard of this place from my Cavaliers. Now that my peasants are settled in, I am seeking to establish diplomatic ties with the King of Woodhold, for the betterment of all of us. I am sad to be leaving Haven, but I am sure everyone will get along quite well enough without me.

*smiles again, a bit sadly*

Mostly, I will miss my friends.

*ruffles Eli's hair*

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 1:26 pm
by jason eldereth
OOC Jason Slowly takes to the lead and starts to scout a clear path of travle

Well now that we are underway i guess i might as well put my skills to work as forward scout ( looking through his pack )
Oh I seem to have left the pint i got back at my bunk Oh well i guess i cant get us lost on this trip and use the excuse of beeing drunk ( lets out a loud chucke and looks to olum)

Ok so do we want to avoide the swamp on this trip for mc ewan's sake.
( looks back to his stalwart companion ) or do you think we should mark everything we stumble into....

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:13 pm
by Fy'Rin
*A small smirk comes to Fy'Rin's face. He casually glances over at Varys, then returns his attention to the task at hand.*

We will travel at what ever speed Varys needs to complete a his map, but I suggest we take the shortest and most direct route to Woodhold. What good will the map be if we take the path of least resistance. The detail that would be lost would be counter productive to this expidition.

As I'm sure we were all aware and prepared for, our pace will be quick and light of foot. Taking no importance away from our task, but the longer we wait to hunt down the ants the stronger and more fortified they will become.

*To McEwen & Tarn*
I hear Dwarves are natural sprinters, very dangerous over short distances. They are wasted on Cross Country. :lol:

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:11 pm
by Varys Snow
*Grinning over at Tarn and McEwan*

“Sorry lads, but the whole point of making a map is to put the dangerous and unique areas on it so no one else bumps into them on accident. Fy’ Rin is right; the first part of our trip is pretty straight forward -- to get to Woodhold. After that, we’ll circle out east and head north to check out the ants. Once we are done there, we will continue to circle west and then head back to Final Haven.

“Don’t worry, Jason, I have ale enough for the both of us. Just realize that if your mind’s addled and you stumble into a swamp, McEwan may not go in to get you out!" :P

*Moves over to Katherine to keep pace and speak easier*

“One of Robin’s men? Yes and no. I owe her and her brother Gin my life, it’s true, and would do anything for either of them, but Gin is *my* Cap’n Steel. Robin is more like the younger sister I never had. You know the type of sister I’m talking about? The one that doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut and is so headstrong that most of the trouble you end up getting each other out of was caused almost inadvertently? Yeah, that’s Robin, but she and Gin were the best Captains in the Royal Navy and I would sail with them into a dragon’s den if either of them asked me to. I’m not sure how many times we’ve saved each other’s lives. Anyway, it sounds like you are planning on staying in Woodhold once we get there and never going back to the Haven. Do you think you will be able to approach this king guy and deal with him?”

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 9:39 am
by Kathryn Skress
*Laughs at Varys' descripton of Robin*

I do know what you mean, no offense intended of course.

As for the King and Woodhold, who knows what my future will hold? However, I hope to act as a liason between the King and Haven, having some experience in that direction myself. I would hate to say I am leaving Haven forever, since my people are here, but I might be gone for a while.