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Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 3:24 am
by Donovan Thynedar
*To Kidwynn*

"Just Donovan is fine, milady. As for the issue with the peasants and the food, I've had some agents investigating any irregularities with our supplies or with the townsfolk, but I have yet to receive a report."

*Addresses Lao as well*

"Perhaps Lao would care to share what he knows, that I might check it against what my men find? Any information would be helpful, the more we know about such things, the better. I'll meet with Elder Quetzal this very evening and see what he knows of such things."

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 9:13 am
by Atrum Draconus
* To Kidwyn with a sly smile*

Wellie well, there are many ways to get a drink around here, you just let me know what you're offering and we can go from there.

*To Lao still smiling but not the same smile*

As Dallid, I spend some time in the village proper, none of my students, Bob Barleyman nor Elder Quetzell has mentioned anything of any mysterious cult of villagers that is extorting food. As far as the villagers mudrering each other, those that have been here can attest that nearly every 3 cycles of the moon the villagers are trying to murder each other whether it be some disease or some outside force, or their own superstitions. We do what we can to help them as we hear of these things, as you can plainly see this is the first time that many if any of us have heard of this. Please try to refrain from casting dispersions about the sincerity of my want to help the villagers.

You may be correct in the fact that you may be from a different type of land, if most of Alleria is like the part that I have seen then your land or at least the people in it are much better off than things have been here. Just over a year or so ago there were more mouths to feed than food to to put in them, villagers were beginning to disappear, and some sort of "disease" was spreading through the village. None of those things are so today because of the work of those that have been here, trying to build a community out of the ashes of what was here. Working together and sharing our knowledge of what the plights of the villagers are is what will be to our best advantage, not casting dispersions about each other.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 9:35 am
by Kidwynn
*Gives Atrum a sly, playful smile.*

As I said before, what do you have in mind love? I mean I can think of a few things without even trying. I was just wondering what you were thinking for I am rather thirsty after my travels.

Oh, and I was wondering if there was a room or something I could use to sleep in. I am a little weary after my travels that it would be nice to have a place to rest up a bit.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 9:54 am
by Robin
Robin, who had come back to stand in the door, unnoticed and quiet, smiled. "Well said, Atrum. Tis true, Lao. We do try and aid them as best we may, but it's always something. We'll keep trying, and keep fighting, beause that's what we do." She sighed.

Her jade eyes found the Phoenix members and she gave them a tip of her hat. She liked those fellows, save for the unapoligetic one with the big mouth. (*grin*)

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 10:01 am
by Ming Xiao Sung
*Ming speaks up from her seat near Lao*

The villagers do not speak of such because they have bore witness that in doing so, they jeopardize their very lives. They are afraid. Sometimes it is better to live in fear and abide to injustice than it is to speak up and lose one's life.

*she pauses as she looks to Donovan*

Direct confrontation is not the correct path in this very fragile endeavor.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 12:09 pm
by Sethreal
*Entering quietly Seth notices Robin and walks toward her*

"So how have your laws been taken to?"

*Speaking low only to Robin.*

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 12:54 pm
by Robin
*she shrugged* About as I expected. Half and half. Half the folks think they're too much... the others think not enough. I've learned not to try and please everyone... because it's just not possible.

*she gave him a soft smile* But we can speak of it more later... I've to away.

*with that she gave him a sweeping bow and a wink and left.*

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 10:47 pm
by Ironhand
*Ollumm walks up to the posting looks at it with a keen eye. Than weilds around to Robin and the rest. Clears his thoart and askes very clearly.*

"Would someone be willing to read them so that I can know them. That way I know them and my men can follow them without breaking the laws here. I know it sounds odd but I am not one for reading and writing. It is not a custom with my people to write and read. We do things the old fashion way. It is all done in the form of a story, or a lecture. So could one of you read them to me?

*Ollumm just stands there and awaits for someone to read them to him. If no one reads them to him he heads toward the firepit. If someone reads them to him he just listin very carefully to them. *

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 3:17 am
by Donovan Thynedar
*Donovan rises from his table yet again, crossing the Inn to where Ollumm is standing.*

"Certainly, friend. The laws are as such..."

*He reads the laws aloud word for word as they written.*

"I hope that helps you, but I'm afraid the laws are sort of an unfinished business around here. We're trying as best we can, but there's a great deal of work to be done if the people of this place are going to live together in peace."

*Walks to the bar and pours two mugs of ale. He returns and offers one to Ollumm.*

"Normally I refrain from ale, but the times make for exceptions to all rules. If there's anything else I can do for you, don't hesitate to ask."

*Raises his mug in salute and returns to his table.*

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 5:01 pm
by Ironhand
*Ollumm nods his massive head as he listin to Donovan. He clears his throat and than smiles..*

"I understand but I am not one that likes to be in the wrong. It makes me and my company look bad. And that is just something that will not do. I have a high standarad for my company than most. I know that sounds odd. But it is how we have worked from the very first time we meet. An it more are less a matter of pride to us now.

Just so I understand it right now. No one can kill a person in self-denfece in the town? Or someone that is passing throu the area as well. We have to try a bring them to the Honor of the Courts. So that they can stand traill, is that right!

*Ollumm stands there as Donovan walks over and gets the ale. He gladly awaits for the ale and nods in agreement with Donovan.*

"I thank you Sir for the ale and the time you have taken out to help me. You know that my sword and shield, are here to protect this place. I am not one for letting things fall apart. Yet tomorrow a lot of us are gone to head out of town to do some mapping. Plus try and find the mound that the ants are nesting in. So we can burn it out. Robin and I while out hunting for the fish come across a lot of herb animal being dragged off into there mound. So if someone has some alchemical fire. I would think that the peasant would be greatly thankful as well. Seen how it is killing them as well. "

*Than lean his head straight back and snaps his main a little. Than looks around the room as he awaits a reply.*

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 1:34 pm
by Fy'Rin
*A cloaked man walks up to Donovan and Ollumm and briefly looks over the laws.*

I've have heard many a conversations with regards to these laws in days past and only very little of it of use. No disrepect to those involved. *Nods to Donovan & Cpt. Robin* Politics such as these are never easy, especially when trying to please so many. In my travles I have seen many different laws in many different lands and in almost every case they have failed at somepoint. Without the power to enforce the laws the lawless have the power.

Alas, pay no mind to this weary traveler, for I have found my self on both sides of the law more times than I can recall and am in no place to advise anyone with the way the world has changed.

Forgive me, with all the hostilities in my travels as of late I have forgotten my manners. I am Fy'Rin Nightcrawler and served under the command of Captain Robin Steel for many a year.

*I excuse myslef and make my way over to the bar. I pull a flask from under my cloak and take a sip and settle myself at the bar.*

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 11:53 pm
by Donovan Thynedar
*Donovan nods a greeting when Fy'Rin approaches, and later flashes a wry smile when he speaks.*

"A pleasure to meet you, Fy'Rin. I am Donovan Thynedar, and I must say that I agree with your comment about the enforcement of laws. There is a reason that it's called enforcement. Still, we must strive for something greater than "might makes right". and that's where we run into problems."