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Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 12:06 pm
by Atrum Draconus
*Halfway through Atrum starts to look a little worried*

UG! If you burn my Inn down even dragons won't save your hide.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 12:20 pm
by Onimaster
Shale laughs softly at Ug's bardic song of power and says, "Ah, Ug. You always have a flair for the dramatic and a wellspring of tact. No wonder I like you."

Shale stands next to Ug and whispers something in his ear before turning to face Amagus. "Ug, this is Amagus Avantine. He's joining the Guild of Thunder. He is schooled in the oldest of magics, and has knowledge of old necromancy. He may even be able to assist us in understanding that vial you have there, or have you completed your studies already?"

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:10 pm
by Farbarian
* watches the...Ug cast his spell with great intrest*

*Leans over to Lambic*

*Wispers* Is that a real ... Goblin? or maybe a stunted orc? I never seen one before now. I read about them but this is my first real one.

*Watches him with great intrest, seems to even forget about the stew for a moment.*

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:24 pm
by Ug
*Ug's eyes go wide and he pulls Shale back down and whispers something to him and awaits expectantly.*

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:56 pm
by Amagus
The sight of a bardic Orc is surprising, Shale’s assumption about Amagus’s past specialty is more surprising, but Amagus considers his appearance and shrugs. Learning that the Orc is the master of the mage’s guild is also surprising, but it’s Shale’s striking works hold fast Amagus’s attention.

“Questions. Forgive me, my Lord, but for a time it would seem I shall have many.”

A coughing fit overtakes him, and he wait a moment for it subside.

“A Magus, a Duke, a military Commander, and a House Lord. Who, then, answers to whom? Indeed, I would know the nature of this State, to best serve it – it’s holdings, it’s enemies, it’s structure.”

“This dead Necromancer – Narnian? The Duchess was with child when the ‘taint’ occurred, and that child was yet unborn when she was taken by Pentaguishine?”

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:38 pm
by Ug
*Ug looks to Amagus.*

Welkum to de gild uf Tunder Amagus. Yez, de Narnun wuz in her. Me not toe sure dat de Pentag iz lookun to serv duh Narnun doh, mebbie he lookun to control de Narnun. Me not no. Me do no dat me hav few tings me wuld like to talk bout wit use doh.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:53 pm
by Onimaster
Shale nods in agreement with Ug.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 4:02 pm
by Amagus
*Bends forward slightly and inclines his head in an attempt at a bow.*

"Ah, yes. My thanks, Guildmaster Ug. I promise hard work, focused dedication, and look forward to the amassing of knowledge for the benefit of the Guild. There is indeed much to discuss."

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 8:17 pm
by Lambic
**Lambic responds to Jarl**

We refer to him as a green elf or elfsie as you prefer. I would not recommend insinuating that there is anything orc like about him.

It seems that we have a cook on duty,

**Looks quizically at Atrum**

I will attempt to find out what he is serving tonight other than this wonderful stew, and report back. At which point I would be willing to try and deal with any parched throats.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:51 pm
by Ug
Gud, gud. Anuddur arkane lookun fer mastury iz alwayz a grate benefoot to de Gild uf Tundur. Dark times lay behine uz an dark times still lay head. We will stand strong an we will bring de lite to de Havun.