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Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:32 am
by Abaddon
"Explains why he doesn't like them. He visited my cabin and seemed merely dog like. It may take some time for the bonds of slavery to wear off. It depends on how long and from what age they had him." Abaddon says taking a long pull of his warm tea.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:40 pm
by Aurora
*After awhile Aurora looks a Galen*

So, after you finish up your drink, care to go with me towards the castle and perhaps get a few moments to talk to the Queen? Either that or we can see if Atrius is about and you can get to know him a bit more.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:25 pm
by Rhul
There is a sound of multiple thumps of boots being cleaned of snow outside the door, and when the door opens, Rhul walks in clad in the immense bear fur cloak he came back to Haven in possession of, and look around the room.

"Ah, well. There seems to be quite a few people here. Though with the rate the snow has been recently coming down, I shouldn't be surprised. I always forget that people don't seem to handle the cold as readily as I do.

*He looks to Aurora*

Hello again. I never got the chance to welcome you back when we were at the mining village- I'm glad you attended to your business in Caledonia well enough to rejoin us here."

*He sees Rothek across the room*

"Another of the beast-folk, eh? It seems we are growing something of a population of them here every day, aren't we? (he winks knowingly to Galen and Aurora)

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:30 pm
by Aurora
*Aurora smiles and then laughs a few moment later*

Oh Rhul good to see you. I'd like to introduce you to my ummm *Aurora appears as though she's have problems trying to figure out the correct words to say.* traveling companion Galen. Galen, this is Rhul, I told you a little bit about him when we were in Caldeonia.

*Points to Rothek*

This is....actually I have no idea what his name is. He has some vocabulary but from what I could tell when we met the other day he's been tortured by those who held him capitive quite a bit. From what I can gather based on his hatred of them, I'm going to assume those torturers were elves.

*She gestures at a seat near her*

So Rhul what has been going on around here. I've been made aware of the Master, but I was curious as to what else has been an area or areas of concern.

Also, might you know what happend to my Uncle...Mohdri?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:14 pm
by Rothek
:rothek looked at aurora when she pointed at him and his attention was brought to.. rhul. he slowly crawled over and sat down in front of him, he liked that there were other beast men here so he was not nearly as apprehensive to meet him as he had been meeting the other havenites:

" ape-kin are friends."

:he said with a content and calm look nodding approvingly:

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:32 pm
by Rhul
Rhul looks over at Rothek and extends his hand out to the beastman.

"Friends, indeed. It's good to meet you."

He looks back to Aurora and Galen. He begins to take the offered seat, but when it creaks alarmingly under his weight, he makes a thoughtful noise and gets back up to instead stand next to them.

"Modri, eh? I suppose he is around. Though I regret that I can't fill you in on the most recent goings on around here, as I have been gone for awhile myself. Since last summer, in fact, and I had just returned here in time to accompany everyone to the Mining Village to finish helping the Elven King and his troubles there.

If you know about this "Master" from the others, then you likely know more on that subject than I, actually.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:59 pm
by Rothek
:rothek watched as Rhul extended his hand towards him, he looked at the ape kins hand then looked at him slightly confused, he didn't understand the gesture, but nodded in approval regardless.:

" yes. friends. ape-kin good friends to howling fang tribe."

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:04 am
by Aurora
*Aurora looks at Rhul seriously for a moment*

I remember a lot about "The Master". He was one of the most famous necromancers back in the day. In a nut shell, he was the apprentice of the necromancer of necromancers Regis Mordem.

He basically was the leader of the Red Tear I can go back into that if you'd like as well.

He's basically a major evil and if he is back, it's not good. He'll want to amass another army and followers and the like. Spread his corruption across the land.

My grandmother fought against him and the Red Tear pretty much her whole life being that she was a witch-hunter.

Rhul, I can see what else I can remember but that's basically a brief summary of what I can recall right now. If he is indeed around *she looks over at Galen* I don't think we'll be leaving anytime soon for apparently my grandmother's war has now become mine for he's going to need to be stopped.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:47 am
by Abaddon
"The Tear is a waste of power. They do the same thing over and over and follow the master and Regis Mortim blindly. What a waste. Still they pose a threat but at least it is a predictable one.

The elves seem to have some splintered groups unhappy with the current King. I imagine they will be difficult to deal with in the interim. "

"It is nice to see you again Rhul. I'm glad you have survived."

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:07 pm
by Rhul
*Rhul drops his offered hand when Rothek doesn't take it. He doesn't seem offended.*

Thank you Abaddon. I'm glad we put that business with the House of Chance behind us- for all that was lost, it consisted merely of replaceable material objects.

*He grins toothily and pats his stomach*

Oh, yes, I survived. Believe you me, I was quite glad that we were able to rescue the Elven King with undue trouble- although I think that if I am to make a habit of running through the snow in full plate, I'll need to think a bit on a fitness regime.

With meditation I am able to regenerate most wounds, but it doesn't quite seem to work on removing the ill effects of Esmerelda and Fionna's cooking skills.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:42 pm
by Abaddon
"Indeed. I went to great lengths to ensure no lives were lost. Everything else was just stuff." Abaddon said from behind his mask.

"Ill effects? I hope they don't hear that."

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:43 pm
by Rothek
:as the old valkyn vi spoke with the others there conversation would be interrupted, by a loud belch that came from behind them, rothek had gone off by himself after rhul had introduced himself and while they had been preoccupied, rothek crawled into the kitchen, nudged open one of the pantries and now was gnawing on a loaf of bread, crumbs dotted the sides of his mouth and small chucks of bread were getting stuck in the hair around his face. after shaking his head, he snorted and then turned his attention back to his bread:

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:32 pm
by Rhul
Ha, I'm sure. Though in this case the "ill effect" ends up being the need to indulge myself a bit too much.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:46 pm
by Aurora
*Aurora notices Rothek has disappeared and wonders into the kitchen, especially after hearing the belch. When she walks in Rothek can tell she's pretty angry when she sees the site before her.*


*She looks at her eyes he can see a dim green glow as she looks for a piece of parchment paper to roll up. Like she might smack him on the rear or on the nose as if the beast were a dog misbehaving.*

Wolfie, get of the the kitchen..go on now...get. You don't just go wondering in somewhere and help yourself like that. Get out of here...NOW. Go back to where Galen is.,.go on...shoooo. MOVE.

*Aurora pokes her head out from the kitchen.* Rhul....Galen. Could one of you please kindly get wolf boy here out of the kitchen. After that can one of you please get me Korrigan or one of his helpers so I can pay what little coin I have to fix the mess he has made in here.

Either that or looks like Korrigan just got himself some free labor until this debt it paid.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:46 pm
by Abaddon
"Well that can not be held against them. Good food will do that. Good drink will do that as well." Abaddon says.

He tips a cup of hot tea fragrant and murky like a swamp.