Inner Strife

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by Dallid »

"Very good. If everyone is willing to live and let live, trust yet verify, share information, help one another, and seek assistance from one another, Far Reach will stand strong indeed."

"If elements seek to harm one another or exclude one another, then Far Reach is greatly weakened."

"I would ask that when one sets out to accomplish something, ask for aid - whether needed or not - from a person not normally approached. When one discovers something new, tell a person not normally spoken to. Such simple exercises can forge stronger bonds throughout the settlement, and help to unify the town."
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Post by Rhul »

*Rhul nods to Atrum and also at Ingram before he can leave the Tavern*

Oh, of course, I see the wisdom in what you say. But you must know, that honestly- as an outsider and as such a fresh opinion- any danger I have felt from anyone in town has stemmed indirectly from the animosity you have for Ingram, and he for you. I should not have to worry that someone who claims to follow your ideals might hurt me because I happen to stay at the House and so I am "bad", or vise-versa if I were to stay at the Tavern.

I understand that the two of you disagree, and that is a problem between the two of you, fine. But really, both of you are letting it get far enough out of hand that it affects everyone else, and that is unfair.

I am glad I crossed paths when I did- when the town was forcibly allied against a common goal and I could meet everyone on equal terms.

For if I had only met those who owe allegience to the House of Chance, it is a fair possibility that I would have been convinced that all of the "Tavern Folk" are pompous asses who think themselves in a class of their own. Obviously, that's untrue.

If I had instead met only the people from the Tavern, the general emotion towards the House would have led me to believe that they are all evil and self-serving and follow the "next Corbyn"- regardless if whether that's even remotely true.

If it were my opinion in the matter, both of you need to take charge, stand together in front of everyone and publicly declare that this matter is between the two of you and you frankly will not put up with anything or anyone that makes it sound otherwise. People in the community look to both of you, and if you can't work together than what image does that convey?

(to Atrum) You had Ingram on trial, and let him go free regardless of the situation. So it is done. There is no need to continually hang it over his head like a sort of Sword of Damocles, as if you are gloating that you could have killed him. Otherwise, you prove the trial was worthless, because even when found innocent, he can still be held guilty.

(to Ingram) At the same time, Ingram, you say you came to Atrum and warned him of Corbyn. He says he wasn't able to justify action against him with what he saw as heresay, which is understandable. Unfortunately, you were
right. But exactly what does that matter now? What's done is done. I can tell you, there are quite a number of wagers I wish I would have taken in years past, but it doesn't do me any good to wish I would have now that their time is past.

I respect both of you and I hope you both call me friend, but in all honesty.... you bicker like a pair of old men. Phanterra knows you are both capable men- find a common goal, and fight back to back to accomplish it. You are twice as powerful together.
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks at Rhul*

Well said Rhul.

I've spent time at both places the Inn and the House of Chance. Rhul's right you can feel that tension. I remember once having to stop Gabriel form doing something foolish and attack the House of Chance all because Korrigan gave him a nod.

There are people in both locations who I respect. I do not come down to the Inn as much as I should because of conversations that begin well you are a fool for being up at the House of Chance and assisting Ingram. Also, all the talk of people going sack the House keeps my presence there for I will not leave people like Rhoul there who would be attacked simply because that is where he chooses to call home.

Dallid is correct in that we all should get to know each other more. Do our best to ease as much of this tension as possible.

*Looks at Atrum and Ingram.*

You two need to work this out. I'm asking this of both of you bury the hatchet. You don't have to trust each other, for we all know that isn't going to happen, but at least put an end to the madness that began the very moment you set foot here out in the snow. You are both leaders, whether your like it or not, so act like it.

*Looks at Atrum*

As you can see there are a lot of people of like mind where this situation is concerned and we are all asking of you the same thing. Question is now, will you listen to what the people are saying to you.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by GM-Taki »

"Gabe almost attacked the House of Chance because I gave him a nod? Sure, I egged the little shit on, but let's not pretend he almost attacked anything on my say so. I told him the same thing I've been telling these folks - if you're going to take issue with someone and say they need to die, close your mouth and get the hell on with it."

"It sounds like you folks are going to try to play nice. That's fine, what the hell ever... just don't pretend like you've settled anything. You've just agreed out loud to do what you were doing anyway - not kill each other for now. The real test is whether you can stop fighting each other - and by fighting I mean talking shit, spreading half-truths and swaying people's opinion against the other guy. One way or the other this shit needs to stop, so if you two don't have the balls to fight each other for real, I'm not gonna let you fight each other with words either. The first time I hear someone flapping their trap about one of these two being the devil I'm gonna cut their friggin' tongue out."

*Finishing off his tankard, Korrigan moves back towards the bar.*

"Bloody hell, I need a drink. Who wants a damn drink? I'm buying."
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Post by Rhul »

*Rhul winks at Korrigan's suggestion*

Well..... Dallid did suggest we all get to know each other better, and I declare that our first step should come in a pitcher.

*he ambles over to the keg*
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Post by GM-Mike »

A man in the corner of the room, quiet until now, noticed by all only because all are vigilant to new faces, takes in the proceedings with interest, but only speaks at the mention of ale.

"well of course, if you're buying."

With drink in hand, he continues to listen.
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Post by Darkclaw »

*A hooded figure sits listening to the argument, grinning*

*A low murmer can be heard from the figure*

Nothing has changed since I was here last and nothing will. Korrigan has the right of it
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks at the newcomer.*

Welcome stranger. Looks like you came at a time we are all hip deep in a discussion or some might think debate. I'm Aurora and you've met the man with the ale Korrigan.

*Looks over at Darkclaw*

I see the winds decided to blow you in this direction. How have you been Darkclaw for it has been awhile since last any of us have seen you.
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Post by GM-Taki »

*Korrigan sets out a tray full of mugs and starts pouring. He passes a mug to the newcomer.*

"Welcome to the Tipsy Traveler, stranger. You'll likely see another cataclysm before you see me buying rounds again, so drink up!"

*Slides a frothy mug down to Darkclaw*

"Welcome back!"
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks a Korrigan*

You wouldn't by any chance happen to have something there for me to drink, do you?
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by GM-Taki »

*Korrigan nods*

"Sure do. Mary's got some coffee on and I've got a keg of cider in the back. What can I get you?"
GM-Taki - Final Haven GM, Winter Haven GM, Editor of the Rulebook Project.
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks at Korrigan and almost gives him a slight grin.*

Cidar would be great. I don't know about you, but I'm quite thirsty.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by GM-Mike »

The man nods a greeting at Aurora and says, "Fendrel Gaunt, pleasure." There is little emotion in his voice, though a wry grin easily forms at Korrigan's cataclysm remark.
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Post by Dallid »

Dallid notes the strangers' interest in the discussion, and his reaction to the mention of another cataclysm. With the Red Tear so active, he is immediately suspicious. They would love to fan the flames of the bad blood in town, and have surely not given up on their efforts to revive Regis Mortem - another cataclysm, indeed.

He moves closer to Gaunt and offers a greeting.

"Yes, welcome to Far Reach, Fendrel. From where to you hail, and how have you come to find yourself here?"

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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora taking the same mental note watch Dallid's reaction to the stranger and what the stranger has to say to Dallid.*
Aurora Darksbane

Mage Hunter of the Old Code
Caldonian Genderman