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Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:44 am
by cole45
it is overly complex. I can't get around that.

you could just say

Damage calls >10 period.
and sleep.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:45 am
by GM_Chris
We need to define the problem

The problem is we allow PvP. Therefore even though it is heroic to hear heroic 30 magic it might piss you off if it was a PvP battle and someone used it on you.

NOW that said there is a different way we can go.

We currently allow a hero point to give you life therefor you can use your hero points to effectivly counter other people.

We could allow more on the coutnering side.

I just want to make sure people understand how we balance. We balance against PvP because it is an option in our game. We do NOT balance against PvM because it doesn't matter if an NPC dies.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:46 am
by Aurora
I agree with Travis...

The way it stand right now Hero points are overly complex to use and the pcs won't use them.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:53 am
by dier_cire
Higher counters equal a huge advantage for those with resist magic.

Adding resist magic to hero points would severely alter build balance.

Now is dividing by 2 or moving a decimal point too complex still?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:55 am
by GM-Phil
The other problem some of us have when giving ideas is that there are already additional rules for Hero points in the works in the advanced rule set that most of us cannot see.. so we are a bit handicapped.. I am looking at making Hero points fun and heroic for all players... not just high level ones..

they need to be simple, yet useful for all paths and disciplines.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:14 am
by Adam
If one uses a HP to effect another character (PC or NPC) instantly, do you need to call "Heroic XXXX"?

Maybe HP can couter HP?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:27 am
by cole45
you don't HAVE TO, but most people do out of courtesy.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:30 am
by Peace420
The old system was not heroic for anyone but warriors so that certainly shouldn't be the solution.

How is it at all fair to say you can do 9 ko instantly but not something else? 9 KO is as much a death sentence for most of the people on the field as 30 magic. The only people that doesn't ko are people in heavy or full warriors and a couple other wonky combos in med.

Vorpal and 30 magic are the only 2 combat skills that take a minute, now people are suggesting that you shouldn't be able to reduce those top level skills? How is that fair for everyone?

You don't have to learn a whole chart you learn what your combat skills can be reduced to, that's it. It's not that hard, the non combat skills allow you time to easily do the math. If people choose not to use a part of the game because they don't like it that's fine, many people already do that and you can still get a benefit from hero points.

That said, I'd be ok with changing it as long as it doesn't screw over certain people.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:33 am
by dier_cire
Erik's post shortened: "Instant is bad". :)

I agree, unless you are absurdly high level. Then I don't care.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:39 am
by General Maximus
And are we just tallking about the time reduction hero point use? Or are we talking about the other hero points skills to?

I'm with the Erik's, instant's are a bad idea. It is broken, and should not be allowed. Rightnow the best a person can get is 2 sec for a charged skill, which is asome.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:45 am
by cole45
that is NOT what he said.

He said instant are bad if other people can't get instants TOO.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:48 am
by dier_cire
Because if all the rogues and mages can instantly kill people, it's cool... :roll:

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:51 am
by cole45
I personally think it IS fine. I could get behind 2 seconds for any 5 minute skill, and half for anything over that if we MUST.

2 second mass heal.

2 second mimic

2 second knockout

2 second 30 boom.

half hour sword making


Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:56 am
by Peace420
No I don't want anyone to have instants, I was the one that thought the 2 second min should be in effect for hero point usage just like it is for any other skill time reduction method, it follows rules already established, it prevents instant 30 magics and vorpal whatevers.

I don't think assasins and empaths should get screwed because they have a skill that is considered too powerful in PVP as an instant.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:49 pm
by GM_Chris
Ok I looked everything over and I want to frame this debate a little differently.

Currently time reduction is with an expediture of a hero point a person can reduce a 5 count to a 2 count. This means that instead of counting by 5's you now count by 2's.

This means that a 15 count is now 6 seconds and 1 minute is now 24 seconds. This is not that hard

If we went by half rounded down then a 15 count is 7 seconds and 1 minute is 30 seconds. This is a difference of 1 second and 6 seconds respectfully.

Basically we are arguing over 1 second.....

Now when spedning additional hero points you would need to break out a calculator and that is why I believe people are complaining. If we are going to allow the use of multiple hero points for time reduction then half rounded down is the easiest math to do. I understand that it is weaker, but that is the type of trade off we have to have at LARPS.

This means that you can take an hour and a half spell (90 minutes) and reduce it to 45 with 1 hero point, 22 minutes with 2 hero points, and 11 minutes with 3 hero points.

It would mean that a 1 minute spell could be reduced to 30 seconds with 1 and 15s with 2 and 7s with 3.

It would mean that a person could reduce a 10s spell to 5s with 1 hero point and then to 2 seconds with 3, and then 1s with 1.

I belive the player base is correct in that the time needs to be switched even though Eric is correct in that it is weaker. There is no insta shots, but you can still heroicly heal or what ever you want to do.