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Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 5:39 pm
by McEwan
His search having been fruitless, McEwan, returns to the center of the village in hopes of regrouping with his mates. Once there, and seeing Neshca investigateing a cabin near the woods, he trundles over and sticks his head in for a look.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 2:22 pm
by GM-Mike
Peering into the cabin from the outside, little can be seen save shoddy furniture and the dusty ground nearest the door. The soucre of the grunt, coming from somewhere in the shadows near the back, is not visible from the door.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 2:33 pm
by McEwan

McEwan steps carfully into the house

"Ya be a'soundin' a wee bit under the weather. Be thar anythin' we can be a'helpin' ya with?"

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 4:16 pm
by Neshca
*Neshca circles aroudn the hut and keeps a sharp eye open (spot). He not to make to much noise as he does this. If he see anything he'll hold back and wave McEwan to him with cation if needs be.*

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 12:42 pm
by GM-Mike
Nescha waves to McEwan, indicating for him to come but be cautious doing so.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:51 pm
by McEwan

McEwan steps carfully into the house

"Ya be a'soundin' a wee bit under the weather. Be thar anythin' we can be a'helpin' ya with?"

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:34 pm
by GM-Mike
McEwan boldly enters through the door, searching out the person in the cabin. Far in the back, deep in the shadows, a body laying in blood can be seen, but little else can be seen in this light...

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:28 pm
by Neshca
*Neshca Sneaks up behide McEwan and whisper in his ear.*

"hey what are you doing in here. I wish you would have come over I found a blood trail that leads out side into here. If you got some light I woudl use it. I do not like the smell of this place one bit."

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 12:38 am
by McEwan
McEwan responds sadly

"The smell be from the blood"

The dwarf moves to the side of the bloody body and feels for a pulse. If he finds none, he quietly says a prayer over the victom and gently places his hand on the person's forehead, sending the spirit on to it's final rest (banish).

After a silent moment McEwan stands and tracks the blood trail out of the cabin and follows where it leads a very grim look upon his face

"I dunna like what be a'happenin'. First a wee poor lad ha' been vanished from his kin, no' a poor soul ha' been ripped from dis world. I be about findin' the cause, an' I be aboot a'fixxin' an' a'setin' things aright""

"Me oath on it."

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:32 am
by GM-Mike
By the time McEwan approaches the body, it appears still and lifeless. Covered in robes, it takes some doing to get the arm exposed to check for the pulse, but when the skin is finally exposed, an adundance of scar tissue is felt, as if the thing had been severely burned. Uncovering the body more, seeing the mutilation of the body, it becomes clear that it was not human at al, but rather a Ga'Vin...

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 6:15 pm
by Neshca
*Neshca nods as McEwan does his pray for the dead. He than moves up to the body once McEwan moves back. He than looks at McEwan. As McEwan starts to follow the blood trail.*

"Hold up let us at least check to see if he has something on him. That might tell us who he is. Or where he is form. That way we could try an give him a nice resting place. I know I would not like to be dropped into these lands around here. So if you hold on let me check him than we can move out and get Robbert. That way we are not blamed for this mess. If fact Robbert was in the middle of the village see if you can get him to come here."

*At this point Neshca start to search the body for anything at all.*

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:27 pm
by McEwan
McEwan pauses at the doorway and nodds, then steps to the courner of the building, where he can see the village and gives three sharp whistles, one short and two long.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:31 pm
by GM-Mike
Nescha finishes searching the body and McEwan whistles to the crowd, drawing several people's attention. Four peasants head their way, one of whom is Robert, and he looks suspiciously at McEwan. It can be seen immediately that Robert is in a bad mood and can be heard as well when he spits out, "What have we here?"

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 2:18 pm
by Neshca
*Neshca looks up at Robbert dead in the eye. Without dropping a beat stands up starts walking right up to him. (there is not a single actoion of disrepect or discord toward Robbert it is more of a military training movement.)*

"Well Sir what we have is a dead Ga'Vin. A trail of blood that leads form the woods to where he is at this point and time. It seem he is dead, but i know that they are hard to kill than that. If you like McEwan, Myself and you could track the woods to seee where he came up form?"

*Stands there awaitng a reply.*

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 2:53 pm
by jason eldereth
Jason After scouting and unable to pickup any trail starts to head back to the village to meet up with his band.
After hearing Mc.ewans wistle he breaks into a full sprint to see what he has found.

Comeing into the cabin and seeing the blood and the bodie he will walk over and use first aid to stabilize the govin if their is still a shread of life in him.

Mc.ewan, Nesh Im going to start some first aid here please make sure im not distarbed and i may need some help if i have to perform surgery