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Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 8:27 am
by Nelkie
OOG. The way I viewed the pasasge of time in the Inn was about 2-4 minutes after everyone got up from the hole. So in my view it was not that long of a delay, only 2 minutes to hear Dovan story and get moving. Does this sound right to everyone?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 9:00 am
by Kathryn Skress
*During Donovans telling of his story and subsequent delegation of responsibility, Kathryn stands to the side with a slight, undefinable smile on her face. She nods in agreement to Azara's and Arthos' words of explanation, and frowns slightly when one of the Phoenix suggests that the Guild of Light may have tried to save their own before the girl, but does not say a word. When Arthos starts to head out the door with the girl, she follows him, but makes no move to the door before that.*


Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 1:27 pm
by GM-Mike
OOG note: My time estimate for everything is as follows: it took approximately an hour to get into the cavern, thirty minutes to wander around in the cavern and get out, during which time Grok had entered the inn, Atrium and Leeland left and (if they want) have come back. It took another five minutes to get everyone up the hole and gathered, another two to three minutes of bickering, and about another ten minutes until everyone dispersed (if this were live action we all know this would have taken longer because people simply do not move that quickly but I will give you the benefit of the doubt). Therefore, it has been a grand total of 110 minutes (I'm rounding) since the beginning. You can expect time to move faster form here as people travel..