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Hooray for URLs and Hosts being different. :D

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 3:30 pm
by Torakhan
Alice Tex wrote:Maybe I'm misunderstanding...if we change servers will that change the domain name?
Typically, no. The Domain Name registration is separate from the host. Even if you purchase a domain name from GoDaddy and host it on GoDaddy, you can transfer the domain name to, say Dotster, and host the site on a private server elsewhere and (as long as the owner has all of his ducks in a row), the domain name should be transferrable.

The only sticking point would be if no one has the log-in/account info for the Domain name, or if it was owned by someone outside of Final Haven who doesn't want to give it up. But unless it was purchased for 10+ years, my guess is that someone is still paying for it, and so someone still has that information.

So, in short, even if we move the web site host, the URL ( can direct to that new server with an IP (or other web site... yes, if we ever needed to, could re-direct to a facebook page, or any other location the web) because they're two independant things. :)

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 3:36 pm
by NPC Christen
I'm sorry if I keep coming across as catty... moving is making me a cranky girl. *wink* Chalk it up to me being an impatient bitch. I'll get working on the graphical interface. With luck, and some free time, I will have... oh... 2-3 for you to chose from. After that, you and Mike can chose one, or you can let the players vote if you're feeling really generous. Makes no matter to me.


This is how I explain these things to my clients:

Think of a domain name as the trademarked name of a company. It can be moved wherever that company is located. A website itself is like the contents of said business. So, if you move to a new storefront down the block, you still get to keep your name, even if you are selling your goods at a new location.

What this means for us is that the domain of FH is owned and paid for. When we set up the new website, you just have the domain forward to THAT page, and it's all good in the neighborhood. Doesn't really matter WHERE you are hosted, as long as you can log into the domain host and change the settings to direct to the page you want them to.

Does that make sense?

Maybe I should ask... WHAT features ARE people looking for? I suppose it would be silly to stress over content and features that people might not even want or care about. If I have an idea of what kinds of services people even want, I can focus on those.

It would also be nice to know what kind of look / theme people like. HOw do you see FH represented. Angie is a good example. She liked the mage/ high fantasy look... I like the gold and green high fantasy look... Do others have some thoughts?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 3:49 pm
by Smitty19
I think your example looks awesome Christen, but when I see it, my first thought is Protoss from Star Craft, while awesome, just not quite as Fantasy as it could be...

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 3:49 pm
by notsabbat
I would love it if the gallery had thumbnails rather than just displaying all the pictures full size.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 3:55 pm
by Wyrmwrath
> interactive PC sheet that can be printed

> database to track and update a players PCs

> should have a GM/Marshall/Staff layer that they can use at events to print potion/item/rescource tags as well as monster "cards" (like 1/2 sheet stat cards they can hand out to NPCs)

> Printable new player packet that includes a form for plotting out back story

> event calander

> Maps to camps

> in between event actions/research//check out tab (for those that have to leave earlier than Sunday morning

> Nicholson point tracking tab ( so players know how many they have and staff cann add and subtract when points are earned and used)

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:05 pm
by Smitty19
Can we just call them Reward points? or do we want to have Seperate rewards for each Chapter? I am fine either way, but if we are talking about uniformity, lets start with simple things...

Now back on Topic,

I like all the ideas coming in, the idea of a Fillable Character sheet is ALWAYS an awesome thing, but the downside ive found is you can only print it out, you cant save it, at least not in my experiences...

I am a bit jaded, and maybe a newer player can be the answer, but honestly I just come here for the forums, mostly because Ive already read all the fluff, and whatnot, so I just go directly to the forums for chat/rp....

I really like the idea for a wiki, that would be something fantastic, and maybe through some more about the history leading up to, and after the last Cataclysm... I know theres some info, but I get alot of Players asking about it...

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:13 pm
by Alice Tex
I understand that a domain name can be moved, I just wasn't sure if that was in fact what we were doing. And It's great that we are. Either way, thank you Christen and Art for clarifying some points I was fuzzy on. ^_^ If it means moving to a brand new server that will allow us to really make the website special, what the hell, why not, I'm for it.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:25 pm
by Wyrmwrath
I like all the ideas coming in, the idea of a Fillable Character sheet is ALWAYS an awesome thing, but the downside ive found is you can only print it out, you cant save it, at least not in my experiences...
You may be right, but if the PC sheet updates your character in the data base, that then should be something you could print out. That is how it worked with the SL database that the originator hand crafted (according to him)

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:43 pm
by taymoonlight
A character database can be done so its both printable and savable. Some just has to know sql or somesuch language. Unfortunately, I do not.

Updates to increase new traffic to the site

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 3:35 am
by Torakhan
NPC Christen wrote:THIS is the basic design I had for it. Thoughts?

You asked for it. ;) (though, not all of this is directly based on the proof you've shown.)

First, let me say I'm not shooting down the design, I'm just offering some suggestions for it.

Right now there isn't much to see--it's kinda like trying to judge a picture for a wall when all you have is the frame. I can't really tell how you intend to utilize the site, so it's just part of the decoration right now.

The current design kinda seems very Elven to me. Maybe it's the blue/green and gold, or the organic details, or something, but that's just the impression I get. I'm not saying that's good or bad, just the impression I get and others might see it differently.

I'd like to see a little less at the top taken up with the "fluff". (right now, it's about 1/3 of my 9:16 screen.) Maybe either reducing the vertical height of the banner up there, or incorporating navigation to the sides of it would help?

Also, the "Final Haven" doesn't stand out enough for me--it has the same detail as the items behind it, and the contrast is about the same too--it looks a little too much like the elements behind it to really stick out, in my opinion. What if it was made smaller, but placed on a badge, or some other flat shape, or something with less detail around it so that the words "Final Haven" stuck out more? (Also, I'm being extremely picky here, but could you kern the A and V a little tighter to reduce the visual gap?) Making it smaller and bringing it up to be center with that horizontal bar would also allow the main body elements to come up higher on the screen as well.

If the navigation goes into the black banner where you have noted it will be, I'd like to see it having some higher contrast, or draw attention so that there's no question where the navigation is for the site (Maybe place them in golden "plates" of some sort if you're going to keep with the current theme?)

Things a new site should have to encourage new/return traffic and, more importantly, incite new players to play, and encourage current players to return
• Dates/Locations for the events
• Information to contact the GMs
• Downloadable (The Rule Books, Character Sheets, Playtest/Errata)
• Introduction pages to the game (some graphical pages, perhaps even PDFs embedded in the page?) with examples of each Race and Path (as we create them for the book.) Along with perhaps a one, or two page introduction to the World of Phanterra and recent history and a "Introduction to Haven", what one might see as they enter the location?
• Updated forums to at least PHPBB3 so that things like selecting text to "bold" it actually works.
• Keeping the site's mobile use in mind--stuff like scalable graphics, or at least functional when viewed on mobile devices/browsers (Android and iPhone.... yes, we use the site at the events too to look up info., or download rule books, etc. ;) )

Other functions like "Updatable Character/Player info Storage", and the likes could be cool, but it's a current-player concern as opposed to a "prospective player" concern. That isn't to say that those things aren't useful or to be looked into, but if the concern is "getting new players in", I'm not sure it should be a top-level priority.
My concerns with "Updatable Character/Player info" is that check-out would still have to be done at the end of the game. Some stuff could still be done I suppose, but there might still be holes due to the different processes (if you "research" something at check-out, but unlearn it, or if you have a bureaucratic skill that you use at check-out, but unlearn it too, it would be an issue.) So, that is a logistics issue that can be looked into, but having some method of uploading/updating your character sheet just for personal storage purposes would be cool nonetheless. :)

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 6:00 am
by GM_Chris
Things a new site should have to encourage new/return traffic and, more importantly, incite new players to play, and encourage current players to return
I completely agree with everything Art says below the above statement. The primary purpose has to be to get people to the game. My secondary concern is current player stuff. That said I am very concerned with current player stuff so please do not feel dismissed. Current player stuff needs to be more embedded if that makes sense because they will know here to go.

As for the style stuff I have no opinion at this time as it is not my strong doing laundry..I hate laundry

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 12:21 pm
by NPC Christen
Okay... taking into account what you've said, Art... here are some things to consider. My design header is only about 20 px larger in vertical height than the blank text only one you did for WH.

As seen here

Tables with nav on the side, whilst kind of an option, don't work well with mobile and are very out of date. I'm willing to add 20 px for the sake of a complete, unified look and feel. People are also very used to navigation being at the top, and design 101 is keep it as standard as possible whilst still integrating your unique look and feel.

I know that you are a fan of simple, but the idea is for this to look professional, polished, and high fantasy. We've gotten by with an amateur looking, ten years out of date interface for a long time... but if we want anyone at all to take us seriously, we need to LOOK like we're not a bunch of college kids with only the most basic grasp of HTML and a blank template. That's what we have now... and I have ALWAYS hated it. I hated it when Wayne did it, and I still hate it.

I do admit, the green and gold one looks very organic and a little on the elven side, but it is also a VAST improvement to our nothing of a look now. No, I don't believe in sacrificing function over form, but there is more than enough room for function in that design. With it's dimensions, it will be optimized for mobile, since we really need to make sure that we include that functionality. Mobile web is here to stay and we need to make sure people can get to the content they need no matter where they are.

Making 'Final Haven' stick out more is easy. This is really just a basic that I started, but there's always room for improvement. I get what you are saying, but I REFUSE to stick us with the same blank crap we've had for years. It looks out of date, uninspired, and we are better than that. Then again... I always think my stuff is awesome, but I'm arrogant like that.

I would LOVE to see some design interfaces from anyone else who might have some fresh eyes and ideas!!! I know there have to be some great designers out there...

I will have another interface or two - depending on how much time I get with the move and all - so that there is more than one real option. Hell, if I get really good... we might even be able to make it so people could CHOSE their skin. Dunno yet, though, as that's more complicated than it sounds.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 1:25 pm
by NewGuy
My ONLY internet connection is my droid... so... yes, mobile... *nods*

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 2:01 pm
by NPC Christen
Here's another version of a site interface...


The navigation will go above the main content table... that grey stone strip there. All the grey... content goes there. It's simple, narrow header... and more mage-ish. That was something I whipped up this afternoon... so it's by no means a 'complete' design. Just something to give you an idea of what CAN be done.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 4:58 pm
by Ark
oui christen, do got that WH conept lying around? the dark icy looking one?
not a fan of the teal stone myself, but im not a big teal fan. most of my art designs are prominantly black and white with a slight bit of color as trim.

EDIT: went looking over you eclipse digital page and i like:
-the shadowscape theme on the right
-the "rate" one
-the color scheme from broken immortal

PS. answer your phone woman -_-