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Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 2:22 pm
by Dallid
The GMs set up situations.
The PCs decide how they'll handle the situations.
That's role-play, and occasionally that means a character may do something contrary to the players wishes - like miss out on a plot or event.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 2:23 pm
by Peace420
Calm down there homes, all I was saying is that if the event was planned to be away from Haven there should be some notice given to the players so that we could make the decision about what our character would do befoerhand and that way we can come to the event prepared. Nowhere on the site before today or maybe last night was there mention that this next event would be away from Haven. Don't think I don't appreciate what you guys do for the game or the fact that you are paying for an event for us. Hell, you guys even made it a full event and paid for extra cabins to accomodate a few people's concerns, much more tha I probably would have done. And I agree it should be handled IG. And just so you know, I try not to bash you guys on the boards about stuff like that, I know how to get ahold of all of you save Mike and I can e-mail or pm him if I have a real bitch about something. If it ever seems like I'm bashing the GM's on the board try and remember this post and send me a PM or talk to me in person and I'm sure we can talk about it like the adults that we all are. Maybe I'll just have to start using Todd filters
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 2:26 pm
by Bob-Z (kabre)
yea, and again, i'm TOTALLY cool with the whole thing. im going to show up with a smile on my face any way it goes down. but when you think about it, is there any REAL in-game benefit to stipulating that annika's people hate everyone but humans??? is it worth "screwing" over a bunch of the PC's for? (using that term very lightly, and for lack of a lighter word...
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 2:36 pm
by Dallid
There are prejudgices. Early in FH history, a powerful Elf mage declared he was trying to destroy all humans everywhere - he still is. Orcs and Dark Elves are generally distrusted and disliked by the other sentient races. A hatred of mages was common before the cataclysm - I'd expect that's been intensified afterwards.
Frankly, I think these things make the game more interesting.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 2:37 pm
by WayneO42
Yes, there is. If I went into it it may spoil plot but the primary purpose is to create an air of tension to heighten role-playing. Life in phantera isn't brotherhood, unity, and large Cumbyaa campfire sings. Some of the greatest stories hinge around conflict steming from unrational prejudice
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 2:39 pm
by Curufin
I think it is great. Albeit I think Frostfell only dislikes/distrusts Elves, and doesn't hate them like a few others choice races. But, from my view, that is just one more reason to NOT play a human. A little more turmoil in you life never killed anyone (yet). I'll be going to Frostfell, And if they got a problem, Yo I'll solve it, check out the hook, while my DJ revolves it!
Word to your mother.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:11 pm
by Lambic
I want to toss in that I have no problem with the plot and that I was just looking for a clarification on whether or not this was going to be main or one and only plot to be run during the event, which you've answered enough for me. Thanks.
Sorry if I sounded whiney.
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 12:02 am
by Wyrmwrath
What if the GMs had a cool idea and at some random event the PCs got to town and were whisked away by some magic to Frostfell...what if there was no warning?
I agree that if there is going to be a trip to another IG location that there should be some information to that effect, and in this case there game. The decision was made by a PC to agree to help Frostfell and then ask others to stay. Not sure if that PC conferred with anyone or whom she/he informed, but I played Jux very little after the dinner break/assault by the false king and I heard about it. It is possible you were on the list to inform and got overlooked...hell you are just the bartender
At this point it seems the FH player base my have needed an OOG post stating the next event might not bi IN haven, because they are so used to the continuing adventure thing being for in between stuff that the fact that the trip was started there may have confused some of the players. This I think was something that was not considered as simply an over sight since the information had been released IN GAME. The GMs must have thought the word would spread like usual, and it either did not or what was passed along was flawed.
I personally think it will be thrilling to see what the world outside of Final Haven is like. The PCs will see that there is actually a great deal of acceptance and may allow the PCs to re-evaluate what they have and are fighting for in Haven. I think it will also provide some good IG world history, some IG world culture, and make the Phantera seem larger than the cabins at FH have this far. This could be a great way to get into RPing a PC even more since the PC and player have a more "real" world to interact with. Just like in the real world they will have new challenges to live deal with, they will have new world views to consider, and see that they have a variety of choices at all times and that those choises have consequences both good and bad. All this should allow the players to see their PCs as more real as they absorb the events and ponder how the PC will grow and act based on their new adventures.
is there any REAL in-game benefit to stipulating that Annika's people hate everyone but humans???
I would say it makes them more in depth and real. True to real life that not everyone is totally accepting based on race. Prejudice is a fact of real life and has its place in a simulated world as well. Not every challenge a PC faces needs to be one that can be killed with a sword. This one will not. It is a mental puzzle and hurdle for the PCs grapple with. Deal with it as your PC would. Maybe your PC will be "converted" based on what he hears in Frostfell, Maybe he will decide that the resident of Frostfell need to die a terrible death for their ignorance. Either way, you as the player will have traveled a mile in someone else’s shoes. That is always a good thing.
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 12:38 am
by GM_Chris
LOL those who played under me as CARPS knows that I run a HIGHLY racist world. You guys are creating the FH world thus you can be less racist.
You can already tell by our NPC's though that we ALWAYS play highly racially minded characters.
As Briant says..realistic
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:01 am
by Wyrmwrath
First I am demonized ...then I am renamed...I think ill just cry and have a tantrum...i have worked for it...I have earned it and ill be damned if I am going to be denied....
Signing of...Bryant...the guy named after named brand appliances...and who said being as big as a fridge was good for nothing?!?!?!
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 9:59 am
by Peace420
Even the bartender heard it IG
And for the record I agree that Mods away from Haven can be a good thing.
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 10:08 am
by Wyrmwrath
uhm...itsnt the bartender supposed to hear EVERYTHING..i think its in the bartender by laws...thats the way it is in the movies..and we know that just like the real world....
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 10:15 am
by Peace420
Yeah but those bartenders don't wear all black, have shady associations, make poisons, and if they are assasins the whole town doesn't know that they are.
I'm still amazed that anyone drinks at the bar truthfully, not that I would ever spike anyones drink or anything
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:49 pm
by Donovan Thynedar
Are you kidding me? That's the reason I keep drinking at the bar. Atrum is the one person in Haven whose opinion I can be sure of at any given moment. As long as I'm still standing, I can assume we're on good terms.
Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 12:29 am
by McEwan
lol good point