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Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:57 pm
by GM-Mike
While I understand what you are getting at by comparing it to mimic, there is a difference between giving a master sage access to the basic skills and giving a warrior access to a bunch of skills that make them even better in combat. As for totem, it is a fourth level skill that gives you access to several third level skills. This idea has a wide range of abilities.
There is a lot of balancing that would have to be done here and I don't think it's real close as written. It certainly won't fly with that remove crush skill in there. That's far and away too much.
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 3:07 pm
by Arjan
What if the remove crush skill was in the as a skill by it's self that you needed use shield for? Maybe called roll with it or something of the sort.
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:07 pm
by GM-Mike
Nope, sorry. Warriors need reasons to use their parry skill and need to be afraid of something out there that is somewhat common (unlike a straight sleep call for example).
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:11 am
by Zeira
How about...
Fighting Style - Takes 5 minutes to change styles.
Offensive - Gets the ability to deal 2 crush with a headed or blunt weapon or 2 vorpal with a bladed weapon. 10 Sec Reload.
Defensive - + 2 CR and can resist press. If you already have the press skill you are immune to press while using this ability.
Balanced - + 1 LP and can Parry while raging. (Ummm....I already know this one needs work. It's just a filler till I can come up with something better.)
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:36 am
by GM-Mike
better. You're right that the last one needs work but it feels better conceptually
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:06 am
by Zeira
Actually I would like to bring +2 CR to +1 LP so it doesn't take away from master CR skill in warrior. Plus that extra LP can be used for a lot of the LP skills (i.e. Parry, Defensive Matrix, Resists, etc...) that warriors use.
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:32 am
by Ark
. . . . warriors are not broken
just getting that out there, i do enjoy the new skill idea but i will not support the notion that warriors are overpowered.
first off, we have very few warriors running around, i think rogue is the most popular at the moment
second, the reason most new people start off as warriors is the same reason they do in most games, wether in larp, or video games. and that reason is this.
it is simple to play, your given a weapon, damage, soak, and told to go play. its a simple concept to understand with not much involved and not much to think about, not calling warriors stupid as a skilled warrior will take out almost anybody. . .
ahem, it also gives you time to learn what other options are out there, become comfortable with the game, and all of its options, and upon your death or decision to make a new character you have a good idea of what does what.
back on topic about the warrior skill
being someone who was around useing only one weapon before a skill came along that boosted its damage i have a good idea of the subject. i knew when i chose to use one weapon that i was at a disadvantage, anyone could use a shield too, and most warriors even then had two weapons, boosting the damage of a single weapon is not broken, especially with how available duel weilding is, here is some math
single weapon did 2 before now does 3,
single weapon did 2 before now has two weapons,
so as you can see the duel weilding wins out, getting two hit to every one, there is also the fact that the person weilding one weapon is only weilding one, and is more open to attack than the person duel weilding.
i fight my brother all the time, he prefers two weapon, i prefer one, i have yet to beat him, only insta kill damage or crush would save me.
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:34 pm
by Garritt
With all the talk about improving warriors (like they really need it, other than replacing some poor expansion skills ) I almost wish there was a way for Rhul to ever swing for more than 'one', or 'two' if raging. (If only out of simple jealousy towards any of the other warriors out there and their ever-increasing ways to deal higher damage).
Nothing really ever comes along that improves ambidexterity damage, while weapons keep getting skills that make them better.
Although, thinking along the ambidexterity line, I have a question I just thought of that I personally haven't had to deal with yet:
What happens if I physically block a 'shatter' call with my fists?
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:05 pm
by Ark
i hear you, i have wanted a WF unarmed for a while now
and i really could not answer the shatter thing.
okay, people need to stop grouping warriors with another class that gives you more damage such as knight, undead slayer, etc.
as someone who played a warrior knight for most of my career i can tell you its not that strong, here are some things to be afraid of
30 magic - yup dead.
sleep - yup, dead again.
press - yup, i dont have access to that skill so im out of the way.
poison - cant resist that so there go what skills i did have.
shatter - im F#$ked, cant resist that.
sure some of those can be removed depending on what race you are but the point is this:
IF you chose to devote
ALL of your points and your character to be able to swing 4 damage, you are so vulnerable to evertything else, a 4th level character could beat you no problem at all. and if you can swing 4 thats
ALL you can do. you dont have other skills to fall back on if that fails, if its only hurt by magic, and you dont have enchant weapon, your
meanwhile, it costs a discipline and a half to dual weild 2
or a basic path and a discipline.
and lets not forget the ever
broken seer. who with only one discipline has a surgung no number sleep call, i could kill EVERYONE if i wanted to as a seer, and it ony takes up a discipline.
there are so many broken skills out there and you want to get rid of the one thats the weakest of them? soak and damage does not equal powerfull if you can be killed in one hit by half of the PC base
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:41 pm
by GM-Mike
I just want to remind everyone that discussions on this forum are in no way indicative of any changes that are forthcoming. This is simply a forum for you to discuss things you want changed, something that we got rid of a long time ago because people got upset about things that were never going to change in the first place (I'm not saying none of this will change, just that you shouldn't be concerned just because something is being discussed--there are a lot of rules being discussed privately as well, none of which you need to get worried about until you see a rules update post).
The seer sleep skill has existed since Final Haven Day 1 in one discipline or another. Not once in that time has there been as issue with it. This happens to be a skill that may possibly be changed but let's not get carried away. And half the PC base cannot kill a warrior in one hit. Let's not get overdramatic. Keep the discussions rational or we will stop listening all together.
While I know it sounds like I'm just responding to Josh, I'm not. I'm responding to PMs. I'm responding to phone calls. I'm responding to those of you who always get upset when a rules discussion comes up and take it as a given that something is going to get changed.
Now, I'm currently of the mood where I am welcoming rules suggestions. I'm enjoying thinking about these things again so don't let anything I have just said deter you.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:29 pm
by GM-Phil
To answer the question of what happens if you block a "Shatter" call with your fists, the answer is - absolutely nothing.. Your Fists are Immune to Shatter, and it does not Surge.
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:31 am
by Zeira
Another idea for Fighting Style...
Balanced - While using this fighting style the warrior has the ability to shift while using the Hold Ground ability. If the warrior charges for 10 seconds and spends a LP they can take 1 step in any direction as well as turn their body.
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:25 pm
by Ark
not offeneded in any way.
anyway Ziera i would sugest instead of trying to replace a warrior skill make a new discipline such as Druid, with its master level skill being the idea you propose.
EDIT: oh yes i would like to say 4 is bad, after all half the players are doing it. . . oh wait thats basic rogue, never mind.
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:44 am
by Zeira
I'm not a fan of weapon specialization. But if your going to say something is broken you have to come up with a way to fix it as well. It's like pointing at a broken pipe and yelling about how its getting water all over the place. It's not going to stop the leak. So instead I choose to grab my wrench and try to fix it. Might take a couple of tries but when your trying to learn how to fix something sometimes you learn things that will help you out with other problems. That's why everytime I say somethings broke I try and follow up with an idea to replace it. Not because I'm trying to shove my opinion down anyones throat, I just want to be as constructive as possible.
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:01 pm
by Ark
that can go both ways, if a car engine has trouble i will call someone qualified to fix it, and not mess things up by trying to fix it myself.
however as i said i think your idea would be better suited to a discipline such as druid, so maybe work on that.
-enchant weapon
-vigor or CR
-combat specialization