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Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:05 pm
by Claude du Sinjin
By all mean Lady Kidwynn, you may continue to aid and teach them what you can. What I was merely suggesting was a bit more organized approach by a group of individuals to maximize our efficiency. This way people are able to impart more knowledge, more effectively. In time I would even like to have a small school perhaps, with individuals such as yourself hosting until new "Masters" from the villagers ranks are trained. This is truly a long ways off from my ultimate goal... however we must begin somewhere.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 8:31 pm
by Neshca
*A board shoulder Avaina walks in and set down a while ago. He listin to the folks talk back and forth. He gets a drink or two, and sit back watching the folks. In a sadding voice he ask.*

"Why you thinking of treaching folks to reads and write when it nots right? I no need to read my master tells me everything I needs to know. Plus I learned how to use bow and trident without a master. It not hard only take keen eye an a steady hand. Plus if they are simple folks like me. Treaching them how to read and write makes them want more. If no more than they might take form you all so they have more. An that is how war is started. Wars are not good. Why you wish to make warroir out of farmers. Like making miners out of smithies and pikemen out of knights. And has anyone asked them if they wished it? Because it not right to not ask them about it as well. "

*He than goes back to his drink and shuts up.*

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 9:39 pm
by jason eldereth
:( Jason Walkes into the inn stopes to take a look around then heads out into the night silent and Keeps to himself....

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 9:42 pm
by Claude du Sinjin
*Nodding to the Avianna as he poses his question*

Good Sir, let me say that I by no means wish to "force" anyone to learn anything they do not wish... what I'm proposing is that the villagers have the option available to learn if they want. Not everyone is content to tend the fields and raise the sheep, some people want more out of life. If the citizens of Haven desire to challenge themselves, learn new skills and perhaps make a better way of life for themselves and their families, than I mean to give them the tools to do such.

I am however curious to this connection you make between gaining an education and becoming more war-like. I would like to hear further your rationale in such matters. I have to admit that this point I do not make the connection, but I do believe the issue should be further investigated.

Tell me Good Sir, will you be traveling to Frostfell with the others? I myself will be leaving shortly with the advance party. I do hope so, I would like to hear more of your opinions, on this and some of the other matters which crop up in Haven quite frequently.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:29 pm
by Neshca
*Neshca looks Claude du Sinjin dead in the eyes, than smiles at him*

"It is very simple in what I meant. Look at it in this light. If the key to power is the knowledge of ages. An someone is always looking for a way to gain power over someone or something. To teach someone or anyone to read and write is the basic steps in doing so. For if you trained to, they might wish to go down the dark path of the arcane.
Much like the King of the Guthbo. A races of my kin that were trained to read and writing. They became dark ones and defiled our kind under a rule of terror. They have not lived for time now. Do to the gaurds they keep. They trained them to also read and write. Those guard wished for freedom. but the only way was to kill thier masters. To do so they had to trick them into a weakness. This took many years and many hard battle had to be won. But in the end they took out there master. And then we had one ruler. A king of all kings he rules us with a iron and cruel grip. I was had seen many horrible things. Up till I was forced into slavery for payment of good to him. At that point before the great felling most of my race were slaves to his Highiness. He ruled us for more moons and suns than anyone I knew could remember. It is a good thing I was traded to Master O'Donnel before to long. My master I was traded to before that was vile and hateful. He use me as a tool to kill his lesser with. He was a noble in the old house of the Kithain. They use to have a law it was. If you were a of noble birth you were nothing in the eyes of the court. So you coudl not read and write, own land, carry a weapon when not in war, or have a mate. If you where found to have anyone of these you were put to the rack. Only way one could get a better life was my being a guard in his house. An they started out much like my King of Kings.
An that is why I say teaching folks to read and write is a bad idea. It might force you to defend yourselves form an insider within your owe house now. Plus it is not nature for farmer andfolk like me to have freedom. It is a bad be free of what you know is best in life."

*Neshca look at his hands for a second than goes back to his drink.*

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:01 pm
by Claude du Sinjin
*Cluade listens until Neshca has finished his tale, nodding at certain parts as if in agreement*

Let me say that your tale truly saddens me, I am sorry you and yours have suffered as you have. However, it does serve to remind me of my own roots. Roughly one hundred years ago, its hard to say precisely when, my homeland, Deschaine was a dreadful place to live. Its ruler, Walter the Iron Fist had effectively withdrawn from the Kingdom. With our location in the mountains to the North, no army was able to remove Walter and he was therefore tolerated.

The people of Deschaine were effectively slaves. This is how it had been for generations... reading and writing were deemed illegal, public gathering was illegal, any type of martial training was illegal. All of these things were punished by torture or death. Most often both.

However, there were citizens that wanted more out of life than being the abused slaves of a demented ruler. They trained secretly, learning the way of the word and the sword. They learned how the people were being controlled, realizing the truth of the matter now that knowledge was within their grasp. That fear and terror were all that held my people in check, we dramaticly outnumbered those who held power over us. And so, the rebellion began...

Eventually Walter the Iron Fist was slain, my people were freed to make choices for themselves and a new Baron was chosen. Baron Louis du Sinjin immediately repealed the laws against public gathering, reading and writing and learning the ways of warfare. In this time my people grew into those who would better themselves and in turn the Barony, and those who would make sure the Barony had all it needed to continue to grow.

In the following years, my family served as the Barons of Deschaine. We helped our people towards their new goals and their new lives. In a remarkably short timeframe, Deschaine went from a backwards tyrannical pit in the mountains, to a bastion of learning, knowledge and freedom.

My people learn and seek knowledge not to gain power over others, but to ensure that others cannot gain power over us. I believe noone should control the life of another as was done in those times, to tell them what they can and cannnot learn... what they can and cannot do. We should be free to make these decisions for ourselves. My people fought back against Walter and his men, took back our Barony and made into a shining jewel of learning for any who wished to be taught. I merely wish to make the same offer to the people of Haven, should they choose it. For alas, Deschaine is no more...

*Claude holds his glass up in a silent toast, waits a moment, then downs the glass*

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 1:41 pm
by Neshca
*Neshca looks at Claude and raises his mug as well with a nod.*

"To Old friends, Old ways, and Old kingdoms long forgotten to time. May they always be in our hearts and minds."

*Than nock's mug to glass than sit back down.*

"I understand what you mean, but each of us have the same flat of steel. Just different side of that steel used in different ways. I am not saying you are wrong Claude. It is different to see someone do that kind of work. Maybe if Master O'Donnel lets me I shall take up your wordsmithing. But untill than I am good with not the skill to read and write."

*Fumbles around in his pack for a short time. Final pulls free a small wrapped block of something sweet smelling. Place it on the table, and cracks it a good one. Than open the wrapping and hands Claude a chunk of brownish and green swirled candy.*

"Here you go you should like this. It is the only thing that come form kingdom before it was raised form its place."

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 8:37 pm
by Claude du Sinjin
*Claude takes the offered food, looks at it curiously, then pops it into his mouth. A look of pleasant shock and delight washes over his face.*

I thank you for your kind words and shared food. I however must say, I do not know that I am right. I just see so much potential in this place, this Haven, I want to do what I can. For all I know all my efforts will amount to nothing, but I at least will sleep better knowing that I tried.

As for your future education, I must say I would be honored to be allowed to help. However, for the moment I must beleaving on my journey to Frostfell. Please convey my invitation to Master O'Donnel and any other companions with you. It will be some time yet before the sending circle is opened, so feel free to explore and enjoy Haven. Long days and pleasant night to you friend!

*Claude finishes saying his goodbyes and heads out of the Inn to join the group journeying north.*