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Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 10:49 am
by Corbyn
Tend to the matters you need to, Kidwynn. I'll be here attending to House business.
Kels, I had wanted to speak with you about your time in the fishing village and the demeanor of those who inhabit it. A few of our townsfolk have spent time in other places, and I wish to learn anything that will help forge positive relations with other lands or peoples. Go and assist Kidwynn, I will speak with you when you return.

I thank you for your kind words Captain Steel, perhaps you would join me for a short stroll, and we can discuss matters further?

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:40 am
by Robin
Robin awarded the Elven Lord a winning smile and rose, extending her arm for him to take. "Why I'd love to, my Lord. After all, I need to catch up and all Haven's gossip. I've been gone for... oh... what, two months? Besides, I have some news from Woodhold for you that you may be interested to hear."

She gave everyone a nod and started off into the darkness with Corbyn.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:09 pm
by Neshca
*Neshca watch's as folks come up and talk. He rocks his head side to side study the movements of everyone around him.
As Kels comes up to the group. He nod's to him an await for him to finish talking. Than takes the moment to put forth his hand for a handshake and to make greetings.*

"Greetings Sir I am Neshca Savio pleasure to meet you."

*Looks at Kidwynn smiles and bows to her. Than puts forth a hand to her after she is done talking.*

"And greetings to you as well my Dear. I am Neshca Savio it is an honor to meet you. You say that you are a crafter?"

*Awaits back beside Corbyn and Robin.*

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:14 pm
by Neshca
*Once Robin and Corbyn start to walk off. He turn bows to all that remain around the fire. Than keeps a few passes off and behind Robin left side. (so that Corbyn is always to the far right of Neshca stride) He watches for movements as they walk on.*

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:30 pm
by Kidwynn
*Looks over at the avayana after Corbyn speaks*

Nice to meet you luv, my name is Kidwynn.

*She grins mischeviously*

Actually I'm quite good at crafting, better then your average smith by far. It's one of my I guess many tallents.

*Nudges Kels on the shoulder to get him to smile.*

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 3:42 pm
by jason eldereth
:( Jason Walkes upto the fire Takes a small quick look around then moves off into the night without saying a word or breaking the silance of the evening..........

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 5:19 pm
by Kels
*befor Robin and Corbyn leave Kels looks at Robin*


*he picks up a jog and holds it up*

"The Past......."

*he then drops it in the fire and walks away*

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:53 pm
by Neshca
*Neshca looks at Kels with a bewilder look. His minds starts to wonder what he is talking about.*

"Master Kels why are you so odd? I mean no offence to you. But you are not making sences. An I wish to understand why you are not making sence."

*Looks at Kels with clear amber eyes than shift his head to look at Kidwynn*

"Oh nice nows I knows where to get new trident form. good good good nice to know master smithy in town......."

*Does a funny little dance as he talks to Kidwynn.. than bows to her as pick up his polearm. To show her the once whole broken trident that is messing one side of the fork.... Than pulls forth the other piece form his nap sack.*

"See this is form some of those troops I cam across on the way into town."

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 11:24 pm
by Robin
Robin looked back, a soft and very happy smile on her face. "You bet, Kels. I'll fight at your side any day, that I promise. And if you fall, I'll be there to lend a helping hand. We're one town, mate, and I'll gladly stand with ya. We're mates, from here on out."

She gave him a half bow, clearly meaning every word she said. She was very happy he seemed to be on the same page as her, and knew this was the dawn of a bright new future for Haven as a whole. One were they were allies, fighting a common enemy for a common goal. Things were looking up.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 12:13 am
by Kidwynn
*Looks at the avayana*

Discuss matter of resources with Corbyn in terms of repairing your weapon. If we have them to spare I can fix it. If I'm not by his side, Corbyn generally knows where to find me.

*Watches the exchange between Robin and Kels before he leaves. When he does she bows to everyone and follows him.*

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 12:36 am
by Mister O'Donnel
A voice calls out from the darkness.

"Hallo, the camp! May I approach and share your fire? I'm trying to find a place called Haven but I think I've lost my way and at least some of my travelling companions."

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 12:50 am
by Neshca
*Neshca stops dead in his tracks then wheel's about with a snapping of his bird like head. An in a clear tone cracks out...*

"Master O'Doole is here Robin I told you would not get to lost! Master I fold Robin as you told me too. I folks a few others too see. This one is Corbyn, and that one out there is McEwan. There is Kidwynn a crafter and her Pal Kels an archer like me. And some skinny tall human is around to chasing after the McEwan.! See I did good... "

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:05 am
by Mister O'Donnel
"Neshka, is that you dear fellow? I thought I'd lost ya ta some oversized tabby cat fer sure. And did I here you say, Robin? Is it truly herself then? I don't care if nobody answered my hail yet, I'm comin' in."

*A human man of... stately girth enters the light cast by the fire. He wears a brimmed hat and a long stiff coat and walks with the aid of a wooden staff. He is looking about the area.*

"Where are ya, good Neshka? By all the gods, after all I've trekked through, please don't let my ears be playing tricks on me now."

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:47 pm
by Neshca
"Nope you found Robin too. She is over here... and Varys is somewhere abouts.. but he is being moody. "

*Looks aroudn for Varys....than looks back to O'Donnel.*

"I see we are going on a trip again.. not rest for you master. Not even a hot bath, or a good nights sleep." *Grins*