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Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:23 am
by Aurora
I almost forgot...

Another thing that was great about the event was seeing a few more people from CARPS.

Matt: OMG Torvac's double-take when he saw Aurora was PRICELESS as was Karen's when she was playing Wren. BTW Karen you have to bring Wren in again for she was just AWSOME. The banter between Galen and her was just fantastic.

Bill: Ack I got to busy doing the witch-hunter thing to talk to you but the costume was fantastic as it was when a few people were explaining things to you during dinner.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:39 pm
by celegar
oh yeah, the carps characters showing up was sweet, i geeked out when i saw matts "hand" being all steampunked out.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:24 pm
by Malachi
Now, I was only there until midday on saturday, but I had fun. The rain was a little irritating, but as Shaun (Theon) put it, "Better wet than bit!"

Awesome Parts:

+Gorilla-Frog-Bear-Hippo-Snuffalupugus' attacks. 'Nuff said.

+The conversation between Malachi, Theon, and Korrigan about how to deal with someone you don't like.

+Being asked for my help after being there, oh, about 4 minutes.

+The Guthrie and the "Gothrie".

Not-So-Awesome Parts:

-Gorilla-Frog-Bear-Hippo-Snuffalupugus' attacks where NPC's ignore safe combat rules (ie. charging).

-Having to leave before the Ball. (I know it has nothing to do with the game, but it did suck!)

That's really all I have anything to say about, save sending luck Waynes way.

Good Luck Wayne!

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:41 pm
by Rhul
I had a good time, other than the rain. If it wasn't for not wanting my nice suede armor and furry suit to get wet (and thus taking forever to dry out) I would have taken part in most if not all of the games, and more of the combats. I just didn't want to be miserable, and for everyone to have to smell wet monkey.

I loved the caber and sheaf tossing, it really let me give out a great big bellow every time I threw, which really made me feel in-character. I also loved being honorable and bowing out of the "Lookout" game, because there was no way I could lose (missile avoidance). I had my fun, and then handed it off to the real competitors, lol.

I also had fun delving further into playing Rhul, especially when it caught other PC's attention. When I stood scratching my chin and reading the calendar of events for Sat., and suddenly a PC exclaimed, "Wait.....Rhul? You can read??" and I simply responded, "Of course I can. Everyone should."

Also, everyone's agreement that giant monkey + raging= awesome made me very happy.

I think the entire flow of the game would have been different had we not had the rain.

As for the werewolves, I think most of the PC's got mad becuase their perception was, "'re mad at us that you brought a personal fight with someone else to our doorstep, hurt our people who were in the middle, and then got a bloody nose as a result? If you want to kill some vamps, do it outside the friggin' walls!!", whether that was the actual truth of the matter or not IG because of what I understand, there was some mis-communication. Rhul is peaceful at heart, and even he thought the same way, although he still would have been willing to talk peacefully with the ones that came later (if only to keep friends from getting hurt).

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 5:02 pm
by Zaire
So I figured I'd pipe in with my opinion of the event.

The Good -
- The food was awesome. Thanks to Melissa and her wonderful crew of helpers in keeping my belly happy.

- I have to admit the role-playing was once again fantastic. Kudos especially to Brad for always taking it up a notch.

- Casey (edited at threats of my mortal soul) (Trusk) for standing in the rain guarding a door. I've been there and hated it myself.

- Karen (as Wren) reading the epic of Haven. It was a piece of work that did an amazing job of recapping the past. I highly recommend putting it on the main website so everyone who visits can get an idea of the world and setting.

- The storytelling. I wish I had more time to get an idea of what tale to tell. I fell short in my opinion but others rose to the task. The lass that plays Peace was amazing.

- Did I mention the role-playing? Remarkable. It is one of the reasons I play. Doug is my new king.

- The GM and Staff. I cannot begin to thank you for being helpful. The FH/WH staff should be examples on how to run a game.

- Werewolves and Vampires. I loved how so many characters decided that they weren't picking any side other than the Haven side. Hearing someone say I'd rather deal with Vampires they only drink blood. Werewolves eat your whole body" was funny.

The Bad
- The weather. Look I don't mind rain and I don't mind hot. But together they made for down right miserable moments. Whoever is responsible for not making the proper Pre-Event offering to the weather beings should be held in account.

- Brief moments of out-of-character talking. Sometimes it can't be helped when it's 5 in the morning and your brain is silly, but sometimes it can be. We're all guilty, so stop. I gave myself a timeout when I got home for being bad.

- Did I mention that it was really wet?

- Difficulty in understanding the setting. I think it's really hard for new players to get into the game because there is difficulty in understanding the world as a whole. I read the message boards, check the website and still have very little information to help immerse myself into the setting. Some of the new people I brought had some difficulty as well.

- Werewolves vs. Vampires. Not to be a butt head but seen it, fought it, gotten eaten by it all before.

The Ugly
- My biggest problem with the event... players making it difficult for new players to get involved. Several times my character asked questions pertaining to something being discussed, mentioned or brought up and several times and from several different directions I was told basically that it wasn't my business or my inquires were dismissed outright.
IC I fully expect hesitation or caution when dealing with a new person. These types of encounters is what allows a new character to introduce himself and reveal some of his motivations. But from a player standpoint it is frustrating. So I come out to a game at FH. I pay my event fee. I put on my garb and invest in the character and then every attempt I make at interacting with someone is shut off because I'm a new player.
See the bug is that I got shut out because I'm a newer player. I saw older players show up as new characters and get drawn right into the story. Huge peeve. Cliques are for high school and 90's wrestling fans (cheap mention of Nash/Michaels).

Over all I'd say I had fun. If the weather had been perfect I could have died happy. As opposed to just dying wet.

Thank you to everyone that helped me have a fun weekend. For those of you who tried to sabotage my fun with ninja's and rabid hamsters, you lose again.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 5:13 pm
by celegar
BTW my name is Casey, not chad.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 5:25 pm
by Zaire
celegar wrote:BTW my name is Casey, not chad.
Sorry bout that.

I fixed it...

put the enchanted spork down...

there is no reason to...


Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 5:30 pm
by celegar
bwa ha ha, i dine on man flesh tonight!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:26 pm
by Zaire
The spork was invented by Orcs.

Sometimes you squish the food so hard you need a spoon.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:15 pm
by Zeira
Golly, it was sure a wet one.

The Good
-The feast. The food was awesome. Kudos to the ladies for an awesome job.
-The talk with Ingram at the inn. We left because we thought Ingram was gonna kill everybody, and when he showed up I thought I was toast, but I was quite wrong. Instead we wound up talking about the state of affairs in Far Reach.
-New players. Each one of them had something different, and brought new flavors to the game.
-The Caldonian Games.
-Fun in the magic circle.
-The ball was awesome, especially the introductions.

The Bad
-The weather, but no one can control that.

Overall, a good event. The weather really had the most negative impact.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:38 am
by dier_cire
The Good:
The food: it was so nice to not eat rice and unidentifiable vegetables mixed with curry and chili pepper.
The pop: so. sick. of. bottled water...
The people: people that shower and can speak english rule.
The abs: It's nice to see all six again.

The Bad:
The weather: omg rain.
The delay: 8 hours of thumb twiddling sucks.
The entertainment: When you literally run out of things to do, life sucks.
The time: Waking up at 4am sucks.
The wieght: Ugh, starvation is not a good way to lose weight as it eats muscle too.

Oh, wait this was feedback for the event. Sorry I missed it but India didn't let me come home till Saturday night. :)

FYI, I know now why those kids in those starving country commercials look so unhappy. Rice tastes like crap.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:24 pm
by Dallid
Some characters are very guarded with their knowledge, others are very forthcoming. If some folks aren't providing information, keep asking around - you can generally find someone willing to share the info you're looking for.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:58 am
by JOAT25
It never ceases to amaze me how many people that have never spoken to Ingram are terrified of and/or hate him. Oh well, moving on...

All in all, a pretty good event. Getting tortured for things I didn't do is always good for a laugh (I'm noticing a pattern with September events). The knee-jerk reaction to Gabrielle disappearing being "Ingram did it" even though he was somewhere else in a room full of people was hilarious. The dinner was fantastic, and watching others get molested with wooden spoons is always fun; also, I'm really disappointed that no one even TRIED to poison Ingram at the party. I really enjoyed the discussions with Esmerelda and Mohdri in the rain (kudos to Melissa and Adam for awesome roleplaying). I'm inclined to agree with Starke on the Vampires vs Werewolves thing; I mean, I like WoD as much as the next guy, but it's a little tired. Last, but certainly not least, screaming at everybody after fighting the uber undead-thing was fun for Joe, even if Ingram was so stressed out by the dumb that he wanted to bash his head through a table.

I can't wait for the next event.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:16 am
by Azra
My turn!

The Good
The food was awesome, hats off to the cooks!
The games were a lot of fun, a good way for a newbie to immerse herself in the game.
The ball. I had a lot of fun playing with the spoons.
The people.

The Bad
The rain, obviously
Lack of sleep
Not getting too involved in the story, though I didn't as much to get involved as I should have. There's always next time!

I really enjoyed the event, and had a good time with everything for the most part. It's a learning experience, and I hope to learn to play the part of Azra a little better.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:50 pm
by Eilonwy
Not sure what to say beyond what's already been said. The rain sucked for the sinus' and real life woes were distracting me incessantly. Considering that, the event was well done and the roleplaying both worth watching and being a part of. Pulling off the games in that weather was an impressive feat for NPC's and PC's alike. Wish I had been able to try more than the Drinking Contest (the "pup" is put out with "old man" Korrigan... good-naturedly , of course). As for the combination of drunk effects... depressed and horny? *shrug* :twisted:

Thanks for the excellent food and roleplaying.