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Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:14 pm
by Dallid
*Sips his drink*

I have seen great compromise on the parts of all sides, but more seems necessary. That, and understanding. Decisions are being made based off assumptions rather than facts. I'd recommend the Broken Tusk not isolate themselves from the others of Haven, for rumors and suspicions grow in the absence of contact. Likewise, I highly recommend non-Orcs spend some time with the Broken Tusks, even if only for a day, to learn better their personalities and customs.

Trust and friendship can result from knowledge and time shared.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:22 pm
by Grok
*Grok turns to Kidwynn after addressing Ollumm's question, listens to Kidwynn speak and crooks an eyebrow a bit*

"You love me? Dat strange, 'cause last I hear you gonna kill me if I no do what you lord say..."

"You need understand Orcs got no problem wit de Phoenix Guild specific. We even have dem stay wit us or we help dem. Just ask Drake, Lambic, Rav, Rahl... dey can tell you dat I give dem potion, recipe, help, or host dem nice."

"As far as Donno, dis story been tell many time, but I no can believe dat it seem like no one understand wut happen. It come down to dis..."

"When we first got here, we met Donno and like him a lot. He real nice when he like you or you got sumting he want. I no can blame him for being nice to you, you real pretty, he maybe want sumting you no realize. Anyway, he convince us dat us tree Orcs (only Vug, Jux, me at first), Donno, Brown Curly, Deera and few otters got no reprehension... representation... I dunno someone talk for us in dis town. Donno offer he gonna do it. We say dat great, we gonna support him be Elder. We even have meeting and sort of vote him Elder."

"Next we know he call Constable, we know no de diff'rence at first, we no tink anyting diff'rent. Den next time we see Donno, all de sudden he got "men dat he lost." Which we tink great, we been looking for love ones we lost, too. Except, dis time, Donno say dat he no need de Orcs anymore (he was gonna take care us, if we protect him). I tink dis kind of rude, he just drop us like hot potato. We maybe could have join de Phoenix Guard, but he no even offer. Like we no good enough for him no more."

"Later I find de crossbow on de ground. It nice and shiny. I ask whose crossbow, no one know. I tink dat great, I find me new toy. Couple hour later, some man Phoenix Guard just walk up and demand me give him de crossbow. I told him get bent. Next ting I know, Donno dere, demanding, 'as my Constable' dat I give him de crossbow, 'cause I stole it. Donno not ask me a single question, he just walk up, assume he know story and den try and use some power DAT I NEVER GAVE HIM to just rule me. I told him get bent, too. We have big shouting match. He try threaten me, I tink it gonna come to blows."

"Dat pretty much where all dis start. Donno lie us tell us dat he gonna protect us and represent us, and he drop us 'cause we no use to him no more. Den, Donno all de sudden try use some power and some title dat no one but he gave himself over de Orcs, so to give advantage to his new men. On top of dat, Donno keep trying worm his way back into power. I no understand why if he want do so much good, why he got have a title. We been saying dat from de beginning. Orcs no ask for special title from de town to make us feel like we better dan we really are..."

"Donno betray de Orcs. Normally, dat mean we just kill him. Dose our customs. We have plenty opportunity before he rile everyone up to kill him, but we don't. We help him and his men. I tink Donno a rotten puke, but I no kill him. We are in new place and we trying adjust, but he come near me wit he fealty again and I gonna stick it in his arse."

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:30 pm
by Grok
"DeLidd... you know how many people dis town we invite come in our cabin and spend time wit us? Even travel wit us and get treat just like dey one of us?"

Giddy One...

"And even dose ones were de ones we have problem wit at first... We always open our cabin to de otters."

"You know how many people come us and try invite us to dem? No one."

"You know how many times de Guild of Light shut dere doors in our faces when we try come in and be involve in sumting in town or visit dem? At least tree times dat I can tink of."

"WE been de ones making efforts..."

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:38 pm
by Ug
*Ug steps over to Grok*

Me got qwestun fer yuse. Me need no if'n me here u rite when yuse was a talkun earler. Wut challunj law tingy not Orcsie doin? Dat sumptin added dat yuse didn't reqwest, en evun didna reely like?

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:43 pm
by Grok
*Grok looks at Ug curiously*

"Huh? I no complain 'bout de laws, wut you talking about?"

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 6:39 pm
by Ug
Youse say sumptin bout de Broken Tusk followin de laws, witout de challunj. De challunj law been buggin Ug sence I furst saw et.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 7:39 pm
by Kidwynn
*Looks at Grok*

I call everyone luv, it is just the way that I speak.

*Listens to what Grok has to say.*

Grok, is there any chance we can resolove this disagreement or unfortunate situation that occured between you and Donovan so that we can all get along and end this hostility luv.

Basically you and he talk things out and work towards resolving it.

The tension that exists isn't good for anyone luv. I mean ideally it would be nice if we could all work together minus the tension.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 8:35 pm
by Ironhand
*Ollumm nods to Daliid, and smile as he pass himi the mug of water.*

" I am glad that you are offend by my manners. I know that like the Broken Tusk I have some ways that are very different than yours. An it is nice to that haven has some very noble folks in it's mix."

*Ollumm listin to Kidwynn statement, and downs one mug of ale.*

"Nice to meet you M'lady Kidwynn are the one that is a smithie around here? If so might I ask if you have time to help me out with something. I am in need of a good heavy steel shield. But if are not a smith nor do not have time. I do understand."

*Ollumm than listin to Ming.... just as he starts to say something he stops and listin to what Grok has to say before he says a word more. once she finishs than he talks.*

"Grok, I thank you for the statement of the laws as the Broken Tusk see them.

But as for Tarn I think that Robin did that a great whiel before comign to this place. I believe hse stated it was when she had a ship and was sailling the great sea's. So her gapping his tongue is something she use to do back in her younger days. I trained with her before she was a captian of a ship. An she was very wild in those days. She is very tame compared to what she could be.
So with that said is there anymore problems we should try to work out?

*Ollumm set there awaiting someone else to talk.*

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 8:47 pm
by Kidwynn
*Kidwynn looks at Ollumm*

Aye luv I am a craftsman, tinker, blacksmith ya name it and I pretty much can create something.

*She thinks*

As for your request, my first question would be if you have the reasources for me to create such an object. I mean what type of quality are you looking for luv?

I know I have a few projects already in the works, but I need to see to what extent I shall be working on it. I will need to check and get back to you in terms of if I have time to do build your shield right now.

I would like to luv, do not get me wrong for building thing is something I very much enjoy, but like you said I don't know if I have the time right now.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:57 pm
by Grok
*Grok looks at Ug for a bit, then her eyes widen in realization*

"Ohhhh... no, maybe I use wrong word. I try say dat de Broken Tusk accept de laws dat Robin give witout argument, 'cause dats wut we say we gonna do. We no debate de laws, we take dem 'as is' like we make de deal."

"As far as de challenges in Robin laws, yeah, dey much diff'rent den wut we used to, but dat no issue now, 'cause we do wut we say we gonna do."

*Grok turns from Ug to Kidwynn to listen to what she has to say, she shakes her head just a bit as Kidwynn is speaking.*

"You no get de whole ting. Dis whole mess not just 'bout me and Donno no more. But if Donno tink he wrong and want make sorry, he more dan welcome come me and make sorry."

*Grok shrugs. Finally, Grok turns to Ollumm and responds to his statement.*

"I no say Robin do no wrong. I no say dat she break law eiter. I just give 'xample dat we all got diff'rent ways and dat diff'rent tings okay wit diff'rent groups... dey all got dere own customs."

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:03 pm
by Kidwynn
*Kidwynn sighs*

Grok, could you and Donovan speak without the sorrys first off luv so that you can beging to start mending what has been broken?

You are correct, I don't know everything, but from what you explained to me you and Donovan had a difference of opinion and this causing people to be rather tense and not enjoy ale or rum as much as it should be.

I'm asking, please at least the two of you sit down and talk to try to work this all out.


Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 6:40 am
by Nelkie
*Arthos queitly listens to everyone's arguments and statements. A smile comes across his face and his eye light up. Under his breath you hear some mumbled words*

I see, I think I'm starting to understand orcs alittle. They are not the 2 dimension being I thought they once where. Hmmm. Peace might still be achieved.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 7:36 am
by Ug
*Ug hits Arthos gruffly on the back.*

Duuuuuh. Me tinks mebbie me gonna hav to giv u lezzuns er sumptin. Me tinkin u startin tink two much like woofy and not nuff like elfzie. Gotta tink in like five or six dimentuns like odder elfzies, not too. Orcsies gottalotta dimenzuns two dem. Me was so releeved when me got uppa to de Orcsie cabin, no offensin tendud to de Rowland, but it teem like dere cabin, anywho, when me got up dere me leaved to see it rowlund cabin gain ratter den Orksie cuz me wuz bout reddy to cry atter what Donno say. Made Ugalathovalanthos pretty weary to hear one ting an gree wit it, den to hear odder ting gunna be what we doin. Dat why me tep up en be leeder o dipomatic unvoy, cuz me wuz tinkin mebbe me needin ta be speekur cents me most tympatetic.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 8:15 am
by Kidwynn
*Kidwynn looks at Arthos and smiles*

We shall have to speak on this luv.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:07 am
by Jux
*Jux walks in after listening from outside and states an a loud voice*

Grok! Shut you hole! Get up to cabin now! You got no atority to speak for tribe!

Rest of you, I hear what Arthos been sayin bout orc honor...orc not to be good come since orc come to Haven...orc not compamize!
I tink it amazing how his mouth hurt his guild even when dey remove him as leader. His mouth now ruin it for whole town! Until matter of orc honor is solved I AM IN CHARGE OF TRIBE!

*Jux turns and walks from the tavern and waits outside by the trail for grok, weapon and shield at the ready*