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Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:22 am
by Ming Xiao Sung
*as a look of understanding crosses her features, Ming nods to Voralen. she then gives Amagus an odd look and walks away*

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:25 am
by Lao
*Lao enters the Inn carrying Amagus's missing sphere thingy*

"The Bandits have been dealt with. Your sword Vorlan is gone, those who dealt with the bandits did not realize its significance and traded it away already. Amagus, your stolen property is returned by the good graces of the great Jovan, who humbly requests a future favor from you in return for returning your property to you."

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:46 am
by Talana Isilisurë
*Talana looks between Lao and Voralen, then shakes her head "no" to Voralen.*

"Lao, if you would please give us the information you have, it would be greatly appreciated. If the sword was traded away, then Voralen and I," *she nods in Voralen's direction* "will attempt to go retrieve it, by trading back for it."

*Looking to Voralen, Talana assures:* "If the sword is your ally, then we shall not leave it in the hands of another. We will however deal with this matter peaceably, since those that traded for it may very well have been completely innocent of any wrongdoing. Agreed?"

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:02 pm
by Smitty19
*nodding to Talana


*turning to Lao

"When you say dealt with, I wonder if you can tell me what you mean? When you also say traded away, do you have more information, such as who was in contact with them, and where it was heading?"

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:09 pm
by Ian_McAllister
*coming in near the end of the conversation*

"Voralen?, you say your sword was stolen by bandits? I had heard none of this yet, please fill me in, and in the meantime let us go get your ally back on our side."

*looks to Talana* "Thank you for the offer of assisstance, milady. My skills at diplomacy and trade still leave much to be desired"

*Looks to Lao* "So were these bandits at all linked with the ones that raided the caravans a few nights back, Lao?"

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:16 pm
by Lao
"I have spoke what I know on this matter. The bandits stole from me, and then attempted to sell the stolen goods to allies of mine, my allies dealt them their own brand of justice. What that means I can not say for sure, but I dont think you will find the bandits walking this world any longer.

As for your sword, I can try and find out whom it was traded to so that you can attempt to negotiate for its return, but I make no promises."

"I was not at the caravan attack so I am not certain if these are the same bandits or not."

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:18 pm
by Amagus
Frowns upon opportunity lost, and accepts his instrument back with a sigh. “Very well. I trust this ‘Great Jovan’ knows where to find me.”

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 2:33 pm
by Eilonwy
*Descending from the inn's upper balcony, wearily.*

"Sir, I know not what sort of aid I could give in regaining thy "companion". My last attempt at diplomacy did not go as well as any could wish. But I would be willing to try to help negotiate despite this. I was not quite "here" the night the thieves came. Perhaps if I had been, I would have noticed them. Who can say? Nevertheless, I feel somewhat responsible."

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 10:09 am
by Talana Isilisurë
Lao wrote:"As for your sword, I can try and find out whom it was traded to so that you can attempt to negotiate for its return, but I make no promises."
*Nods to Lao appreciatively* "If you could please contact your allies and see if they'd be willing to speak with me or provide any additional information so that we might follow any leads, it would be greatly appreciated."

"As far as your items, Lao, were all of your goods returned to you, as well?"

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:00 am
by Lao
"All of the items that these bandits stole have been returned with the exception of some healing potions which I assume they used. As for the theft of my guilds resources, that is still being looked into."

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:47 pm
by Smitty19
*To Eilonway

"I do not by anymeans place blame on any one persons shoulders. It seems to be a lack of, preparedness overall that I think is to blame. That is something to discuss at another time though, we could use all the diplomats we can get, but we should also have plenty of agressive negoitiators as well"

*turns to Lao

"Well then this isnt just about the theft of possesions anymore, its now the welfare of the citizens of haven, those in your guild especially. These cretins can not get away with this, and we shall find them Lao, this I promise you, on whatever honor I have left."

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:31 pm
by Lao
*Looks at Voralan*

"I wish it was a simple matter of hunting down some bandits to recover my guilds stolen goods, but it is not. The bandits did not steal from my guild..."

*Lao's voice trails off as he finishes his sentance. He then stands up to leave.*

"If you will excuse me, I have some "things" I must attend to."

*Lao then begins to leave the Inn (Unless stopped)*

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:51 pm
by Smitty19
*looks at Lao puzzled as he gets up but lets him go
Turning to Talana

"I wonder if we are going to have any luck in contacting these sources of his to try and track down the whereabouts of my weapon, and the other stolen goods."

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:14 pm
by Talana Isilisurë
*Talana watches as Lao leaves the Inn, with a small frown on her face and look of concern, but leaves Lao for now then turns to Voralen*

"Voralen, at this point, I think we need to bide a small bit of time until I can talk to Lao and see if he is willing to disclose his 'sources' and allies to us. I do not wish to intrude upon him, as he has done a service to this town by bringing back the other goods... this is, however, not to say that if he doesn't wish to disclose those who have already helped us that you and I will not try to find another way to return your sword. In the meanwhile, while it is certainly not intended to be a substitute, I will craft a new sword for you so that you can continue protecting yourself and the others of this town... I'll go to the forge now and approach Lao a bit later, alright?"

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:36 am
by Ian_McAllister
*looking to Talana*

"Thank you for the help, lady. If you wish I can gather the resources necessary for the crafting of the sword, so as not to diminish your own."

*Looks to Voralen*

"In this matter I agree we may have to be patient.. but we will do what we can to retrieve your original sword."