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Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:55 pm
by Gin
After viewing the exchange Cap. Gin Steel adresses nobody in particular " Well I'v never been accused of murder before. Let me first say I'll submit to any questioning you can come up with regarding the unfortunate and accadental death of Ravinal. I never new him but you all seem to think he was a good guy. I'm currently exploring the options and possibilitys of bringing him back. I'll keep anyone informed of my progress who so desires."

Gin now adresses Kidwynn, The Doctor, and Arthos " I can go into detail about the event in question if you like, and I believe Arthos can vearify most everything for you."

Gin adresses everyone " as for the griffons we are all but gone after trying everything we could to stop my sister. More than one of us died multiple times in our efforts witch is more than I can say for the townies. So dont speek ill about the griffons anymore."


Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:19 pm
by Nelkie
*From his chair and in a low coughing voice*

If you say it was an accident, it was. I did not see any murderous intent in your eyes, but surprise when your ball of engery struck Ravenial. Trying to being him back is good of you and right. may you succed in your endevor

*after speaking Arthos bends over coughing in pain. I little trickel of green liquid drips between his fingers from his mouth*

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:23 pm
by Kidwynn
*Kidwynn notices and looks at him a bit startled.*

Arthos, what is wrong?

*Looks back at Gin.*

Look we all make mistakes, this one unfortunately cost Rav his life which a lot of people aren't very happy about. It's been a difficult time for a lot of us.

I do have a few more questions, but it's more private in nature.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:00 pm
by Ian_McAllister
*Steppin out of the corner he had been inhabiting for some time.. apparently just watching people move about in the lodge*

"Gin, first off I would like to formally apologize for your treatment a few nights hence at the hands of Sethreal and Nuk, it was a trying time for us all and I hope you can understand and forgive their decision to do what they did.."

*draws a breath*

"Second, in regards to the matter of Ravinal, as he was a Phoenix I believe he would live by our code when it came to judging your actions.. they are as follows for those that do not already know..

To the repentant who wrongs in error, bestow forgiveness.
To the repentant who wrongs in neglect, allow redemption.
To the repentant who wrongs with malice, seek reparation.

To the unrepentant that wrongs in error, use caution.
To the unrepentant that wrongs in neglect, find retribution.
To the unrepentant that wrongs with malice, deliver oblivion.

I believe you to be someone who is sorry for what they did, but relaized that in battles mistakes happen and I believe Ravinal to also have understood this, so please believe me when I say that no Phoenix I know of will seek out reparations for the death of Ravinal, it was as you say an honest mistake in the heat of battle.. he will be sorely missed and his death honored in our memories."


"and if you find sometime in the near future I would very much like to talk to you about a few things as well, specifically in regards to the well being of Haven, your ideas and perhaps some about the Gryphons? When you have time of course"

*with that said, sits down and begins to get a far off look in his face*

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:47 pm
by Doctor Erasmus
*A very cold and mirthless grin spreads across the Doctors face as Gin states he will submit to questioning*

I will hold you to your pledge Captain Gin Steel, questions will be answered though I doubt you will like my methods.

As for your attempts to raise Ravinal, I too would be most interested in your progress since his body was not retreived and Pentags men savaged his remains. I currently know of no way to bring him back but am always open to experimentation and research in these matters.

In the meantime, yes, details as to the events leading up to and involving Ravinals death would be appreciated.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:20 pm
by Gin
Cap. Gin adresses Ian "Sir i have found you a good and honest man so i thank you for your thoughts. Your code wise. More people should hear it.

As for Nuk and Sethreal, you need not apologize for them when they should speek themself. Regardless of what happened to Ravinal, I gave no reason nor displayed any thoughts or actions that would warrent my obduction.

I do thankyou for carring. I hope to return the favor someday."

Gin turns his attention to the good Doctor "Your methods and the plesure you get from them is your oun. However I'll not be intimidated so do your worst. And I will bring Ravinal back if not just to say sorry."

He shifts to face Kidwyn "Their are a great many things I'v to ask you as well."

Concerned Cap. Gin turns to Arthos "Are you in need of any kind of assistance? I would do what I can if need be. What ever that may be."

He awaits a response.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:27 pm
by Kidwynn
*Kidwynn looks at Gin and gestures outside*

Then shall we step outside and discuss matters? Not sure if the back room is all availble-like for a conversation at this time.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 12:07 am
by Gin
Captin Gin Steel looks at Kidwyn and chuckels "if you want to talk elseware thats fine, but im not going anyware alone any more.

You dont know what might happen. i guess ill just stay more prepared to defend myself from townies in the future."

He turns back to Arthos "if your not in any need of assistance ill be going. Ok?"

Awaits a response.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 12:28 am
by Sethreal
*Entering with no weapons, Sethreal approaches Gin.*

"I know now that my actions were wrong, and I hope you can accept my apoligies. The loss of friends and the talk of spies clouded my better judgement. I make no exscuse for what I did, but just know that I do not want this to come between our friendship. Even with how hard that may be.

*Sethreal awaits Gins response.*

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 12:50 am
by Gin
Cap. Gin looks at him with a half smile and says "As far as i can remember all we did was talk. Then i was tiedup standing infront of everyone. I now their is more to it, but the elf and I can disscuss that in do corse.

I should say that it would be a great shame to waste all the good work we could all do together.

No, Sethreal, I do not hold any resentment tward you, and will call you friend. So stop with the serious guy attitude. Got it?"

Gin smiles and gives him a punch in the arm.

"After all I screwed up a lot worse than you!"

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 12:03 pm
by Sethreal
*Sethreal's demeanor changes as he lightens his tone.*

"I am glad I will still be calling you friend. Thank you for understanding.

*Sethreal then extends his hand, waiting for Gin to do the same.*

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 1:06 pm
by Gin
Cap. Gin excepts the out streached hand and says "It was good and honorable of you to try to right a wrong.
I'm trying to do the same. I fear its not going to be as easy as sorry, but Ill get through.
Anyway I think we should try to stay out of trouble. Atleast for a little while.
I think adventureing is best suited to people such as yourself so Ill be staying back more often than not from now on."
Gin releases his grasp "Now how bout a drink? Not afraid Ill drink ya under the table r ya?"
With a somewhat comical look Gin awaits a response.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 4:51 pm
by Sethreal
*Sethreal smiles at his jest and releases his grasp.*

"I would , but my duties permit me right now. Perhaps later."

*Sethreal then turns and heads out of the inn.*


Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 6:13 am
by Nelkie
*Wiping his mouth clean Arthos looks up*

Thank you both for your concern, but there is nothing you can do. Go and make sure our people are safe and well guarded.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 7:19 am
by Gin
*Cap. Gin gives Arthos a little nod*

" As long as your well, I'll go do what I can."

*With that he turns to leave the inn and the assembled masses*