Gone Scouting: Day One

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Post by WayneO42 »

**OOG** For those who have seen them before, the Arrows are witchwood.

Another shower of arrows comes from out of the forest. You see nothing but dark shapes darting in and out of the trees.

*McEwan* As you stand with your back to the tree, you feel a blade to your throat and a sharp pain. You try to take a breath but only manage a sickly wheeze. As you turn and fall to the ground, you see pale hands dripping with blood retreat back into the tree. OOG Note: Your throat is slit and you are bleeding to death
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Post by Eli »

*in his hands are a few potions. The lable says cure life 1.

*you notice he is pretty tough for a kid, and is not bleeding to death from one arrow, but is in intence pain.
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )
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Post by McEwan »

*His vission slowly darkening, McEwan fumbles with his belt pouch finally removing a small glass vile. After an endless moment he removes the stopper and brings it to his lipps. His shacking hands spilling nearly half of the concoction onto his beard and neck he poars the rest into his mouth and holds it in the back of his throut.*

*Jason, now it's your turn to pull ME from battle by MY heals...don't be slow.*
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Post by Varys Snow »

*Varys grins as he reads the potions and opens one up and feeds it to Eli.*

"Ok. You ought to be alright with that. I know how painful it is to have an arrow removed from your chest!"

*Varys checks Eli to make sure he wasn't poisoned by the arrow, and if he is, he starts working on neutralizing it (OOG: Wayne, I don't think witchwood effects elves, but I am not sure.)

"No one touch the arrows! They're witchwood! That means we're probably facing dark elves! Fy'Rin! Ollum! Can you see anyone out there?"

*Varys looks around when he hears McEwan call for Jason and notices that he was not shot with an arrow, but is still bleeding.*

"They're in and around us guys, stay sharp! McEwan, what happened?"
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Post by Ironhand »

*Ollumm bellow out as he jumps the fire to grasp McEwan by the boot straps. Than drags him back to the circle of warroirs. Darting his eyes back and forth huffing the air to get a smell of the dark elves.
Once back to the circle he looks down at the broken shaft. *

"Hmm nice and now I am gone to have to kill. Vary's how long till the arrrow starts to work? "

*Ollumm look for a shape in the woods. As he scans the woods he start a defencive position. (oog: defence matrix.)*
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Post by McEwan »

*McEwan makes a vauge gesture at the tree when her hears Varys voice, but thatn his hand drops.*

*He fumbles weakly with his pouch again, but his fingers have become numb and clumsy.*
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Post by jason eldereth »

:mad: Quickly Moving To Aid Mc'ewan jason asseses his wounds and starts reaching into his pack to pull out a cure 1 potion and use his ability to administer a 2 point heal to Mc'Ewan...

"If stable jason starts to do his healing to Mc'ewan and will then step to Elie
after mc'ewan is around and up."

Not Caring about the arrow that protrudes from his sheild arm Jason Attemps to get his shield around Mc'ewan to protect him from incomeing fire.

"OOG As a man at arms i will resist sleep and fear."

Ollum can you make out who or what is attacking us are the Dark ones at us again?

Does a snap to his back to see if they aproch from the rear of the camp
And pulls out his sword and layes it at his feet, just to be ready if he has to defend himself and Mc'ewan.
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Post by Ironhand »

*Ollumm's eyes dart back and forth looking to make out shapes in the night.*

"Nope not at this time and point. For what I woudl say they are using bows so they are at least 100yrd away."

*Ollumm stands there in a defencive mannor. *
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Post by WayneO42 »

Another hail of arrows arcs into the camp from shadows just beyond the firelight. About 8 arrows in total from all sides of the camp. Everyone is able to get cover and avoid the arrows
Wayne O
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Post by Eli »

Back on his feet, he begins to charge a nasty little boom while using others for cover so he does not loose his gained powers...

I don't think they are dark elves. Maybe they are those sprites that everone was talking about?

*throws the ball of power in the general direction that the arrows came from, there by sheding some light unto the night and hopefully the bad guys.
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )
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Post by Fy'Rin »

*Fy'rin takes cover and trys to dodge/deflect the arrows that he can, trying to defend the healers.*

*Wayne: Since I was it by an arrow and not an elf, how long will it be before the poison starts effecting me?*
Last edited by Fy'Rin on Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thy soul shall find itself alone ‘Mid dark thoughts of gray tombstone – Not one, of all the crowd, to pry Into thine hour of secrecy. ~Poe
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Post by WayneO42 »

Eli summons a ball of energy and flings it into the night toward the origin of one of the arrows. The light shed by the ball reveals an empty forest.
Wayne O
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Post by Fy'Rin »

*Though Fy'Rin is trying to assist, it is obvious that something is effecting him. His reactions are slowing and his sword has started to swing more wildly. The color has left his face and is growing more pale as time passes.*

*After a few moments Fy'Rin, still swinging wildly, starts to head off from the main body and after making it only a few paces, he collapses.*
Thy soul shall find itself alone ‘Mid dark thoughts of gray tombstone – Not one, of all the crowd, to pry Into thine hour of secrecy. ~Poe
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Kathryn Skress
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Post by Kathryn Skress »

*While behind the cover of her shield, Kathryn reaches out and grabs Fy'Rin by the collar and drags him back to the group.*
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Post by Eli »

Seeing that there was no effect with his magical energy Eli switches tackics....

Getting further behind the shields of his friends he begins to summon a much more intense power... that of the arcane... a small flame begins to apear in his hand and it begins to grow in size...

*At the top of his lungs Eli YRLLS (keeping well behind the cover of others)

"Shoot me again you PESKY, IMMATURE, HALF-WITTED SPRITES and I'll burn your stupid sacred forest to the ground!!!!"
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )