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Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 10:01 am
by Fy'Rin
*Fy'Rin is cleaning his sword, while sitting under the tree. Not moving from his spot*

I'll take second watch.

Are we doubling up on watches, or shortening the watches? There's more than enough of us and with all the besties, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea. The fire and smell will only keep them at bay for so long.

*Takes a nip from his flask*

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 10:40 am
by Kathryn Skress
Let's double up on the watches. It makes it easier to watch all sides at once, and provides good company.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:31 pm
by Varys Snow
*Varys looks to Ollum and Fy' Rin as he answers in short, clipped tones*

"Ollum, you and I'll take second watch tonight. Fy' Rin, you've got first with Tarn. I've set up the watches so there is at least one fighter up on each watch, and they are already doubled up. Tarn with Fy' Rin. Ollum with me. McEwan with Jason. It would do no good to have all the fighters up on one watch and none ready on the others. We'll leave the watches as they are tonight, but in the future, I'll let you take the third, Ollum. And you Fy' Rin can have the second. For tonight, they stay as they are." *Varys gives Ollum and Fy' Rin a sharp look, and then goes back to getting ready for bed.*

"Lady Skress, if you and Eli would like to help with watches, you are more than welcome to. You mentioned you would help with the first. Eli, would you like to take one?"

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 6:59 am
by Kathryn Skress
*to Varys*

A certain little boy needs his sleep. I'll take his watch, if need be.

*To Eli*

Do you need to cast your receiving circle before you go to bed?

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:05 pm
by Eli
Yep, just for a bit.

*sits down and begins to draw a circle..

now no one cross this until I say so.. cause it hurts...

then proceeds to cast his spell at the prearanged time... and will hold for the prearanged amount of time.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 10:38 am
by WayneO42
Eli begins his spell as the shadows spread across the campsite and night begins. After Eli completes the casting of his spell, the natural sounds of the forest stop and are replaced with silence. As Eli holds the gateway open, an arrow shoots out of the darkness and hits him square in the chest. The spell drops as Eli recoils and falls to his knees.

More arrows follow the frst. Varys is able to pluck several of them out of the air and those with shields are able to get cover before being hit. Those without the benifit of a nearby shield take an arrow or two before finding cover

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 11:05 am
by Fy'Rin
*Even though it's stating the obvious* :)


*Fy'Rin darts across the camp and grabs Eli. He carries him over closer to Ollumm, Jason and Skress, Since they have shields it will be easier to try and keep him covered.*

*I'm assuming that his sending circle spell was droppped when he was hit with the arrow.*


*Fy'Rin draws his sword, in hopes of being able to help deflect some of the arrows.*

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 1:06 pm
by Kathryn Skress
*Kathryn does her best to shield Eli with her body and shield*

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 2:54 pm
by Eli
*Eli looking rather preterbed with his spell being intrupted, and then being dragged over to the healers appears stunned for a few moments...

When his eyes gain focus, he calmly reaches into one of his many pouches and looks for a healer... "Help please" he gasps as he attempts to hand the first healer to him something...

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 2:56 pm
by Eli
*and he puts his own shield over himself...

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 5:04 pm
by Tarn
*Tarn sprints, sword in hand, over to Eli, Kathryn and Fy'Rin stopping between Eli, Kathryn and the circle. Tarn then faces the circle in case anything else comes out.*

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 10:25 pm
by McEwan
*Seperated from the main group of the party, McEwan snaps off the shaft of the arrow in his hip and stands with his back to a large tree, unmoving, watching, waiting.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 10:45 pm
by Ironhand
*Ollumm bellows out in rage as the arrow drill into hie upper fore arm. Dropping his clay flute in the rush. Than looking up at the portal. Rolls his shield up and makes a defencive stances . Hearing a crushing sound of ground clay. He looks forward onto the portal. Readying himself, and try to be a blocker for those standing behind him. *

"By the Bloody Horns of Kurthum! My flute is gone.... "

*look of shock creep across his face. As he awaits the on coming rush. Than a rage seem to start to build in his eyes.*


Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 12:49 pm
by Fy'Rin
*Fy'Rin quickly tending to his wounds.*

Did anybody, see which direction they came from?

*Wayne: Having seen them before from the attacks on Haven, are these witch-wood arrows?*

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 3:17 pm
by Varys Snow
*Varys runs over to Eli and starts working on removing the arrow.*

"What is this, Eli?", as he looks at the object Eli is pressing into his hand.

"Stay calm, we have people around us making sure we will be ok. Let's get this arrow out of you and you'll be up and chasing the sun in no time!"

*Varys trusts in his companions to keep any distractions away as he works over Eli. Giving comforting words to Eli the whole time, he finally gets the arrow out, but Eli is starting to turn pale before he can get the bleeding under control.*

"Whatever is out there guys, keep 'em off us!"