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Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:29 am
by Varys Snow
*While keeping an eye on the circling beasts, Varys takes a few steps back, kneels down by the fire and picks up a burning brand in his free hand. He then returns to the line and shakes the burning end of the small log at the nearest cat.*

"Shoo, you ugly beastie," he yells in a loud voice and stamps his feet while waving the fire at the cat. "Go away! Yah!"

*He pauses to see if this is having any effect on the beasts.*

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:11 am
by Fy'Rin
"Shoo, you ugly beastie," he yells in a loud voice and stamps his feet while waving the fire at the cat. "Go away! Yah!"
*With a smirk on his face*
I think there really scared now Varys. Look at'em go... :wink:

*As he scans over the group*
This stalmeate is getting old. Shall we just wait for them to pounce or take the fight to them?

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:34 pm
by McEwan
Stay i formation. We dinna want ta be seperated.

*nods to the downed buck*

Let the beasties think on if they want a easy meal, or a hard fight.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 5:16 pm
by Ironhand
*Ollumm just turn the circle with them try to keep them at bay. Out of no where he Bello's as loud and as rough as he can. (Hoping to unnever the beasts.) Than huff's at them a little.*

"You say Vary's, that you wish them intacted. Well if I get a chances I'll snap its neck with the Edge of my shield. But first we have to kill the alpha. "

*Ollumm takes a short jab at try to push it back.*

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 9:00 am
by jason eldereth
Jason Takes a Couple Steps to his left then setting his sword point down mutters a prayer to his bear totem..

Sorry im not recalling and way to drive off beasts such as thies here Be ready Elli and hit that alpha with your magic and if you kill it we might have a chance to get rid of the others here I will be your shield wall and hold them at bay for as long as i can but we need to act fast.

Grabs a burning log with his sword arm and tosses it at the alpha Cat hopeing to drive it off.

BE ready all here we go

Pickes up his Sword....... :!:

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 8:36 am
by WayneO42
Varys and McEwan grab logs out of the fire. Varys waves a log at the nearest cat. It swipes at the log and continues to circle.

McEwan waits for the large alpha cat to circle near and tosses the flaming log at it. The log hits the cat square between the eyes. It roars in anger and lunges towards McEwan. Ollum and Ironhand strike at the lunging beast and drop it as its claws narrowly miss McEwan.

When the alpha cat lunges, so do two others. Tarn, Fy'rin and Varys are able to dispatch the one that lunges towards them. Fy'rin and Tarn take a few hits but the wounds are nothing a healer cannot fix. The cat that lunges towards Kathryn is met with a ball of energy from Eli. Stuned, it continues its lung off target. Kathryn easily turns aside its blow with her shield and delivers a strike to its neck. It falls to the ground in a shower of blood.

The fourth cat, the smallest, flees into the underbrush when the others lunge.

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 9:38 am
by Ironhand
*Ollumm watches the smallest cat start to flee. Looks at teh lot of them, and grins.*

"Is evryone all right? I hope that no one was hurt to bad. That was a nice work folks. But we should move our camp soon. This blood is gone to bring more animals around.

Jason after you need to the other can you field dress those best an get as much meat off them as we can. Plus the hides if they are good still. I would not think that they'll have to many wholes in them. On other thougth are those cat sickly or toxic to us? Better to know if we can eat the meat if we need it.

*Ollumm cleans his blade, and shield of blood. Get out a rope and helps string the cats up for Jason. Graps the frist cat and drags it over to a tree out side the camp area. Than strings it up head first, than does the rest in the same fashion. Looks at McEwan with a nod and motion for some help.*

"Oh lady Skress remind me not to get on the frontside of that arrow. I would hate to fall as these did. *grins*
Varys I got the middle watch with you."

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 10:00 am
by Varys Snow
*Varys steps up to Tarn and Fy' Rin and starts tending to their wounds.*

"You two don't look too bad. Just have to learn to duck is all."

*He looks over to Jason with a nod toward the cats* "Jason, go ahead and start work on those cats and see if there is anything salvageable from the deer. Ollumm is right, make sure they aren't sickly. I want one of the skins as a rug for my cabin when we get our ship back. I'll take care of these wounds. Was anyone else hurt in the fight?"

*Varys looks around at the rest of the group while he is working on Tarn to make sure everyone else is alright.*

"McEwan. Ollum. Keep your guard up and make sure nothing else is coming by. We will definitely need to be ready if the scent of blood draws anything else. We should have at least two people on watch throughout the night. Tarn and Fy' Rin, take first. Me and Ollum second. Jason and McEwan take third."

"Lady Skress, Eli, are you two alright?"

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 12:25 pm
by Tarn
*To Varys* "................"

*After Varys finishes healing Tarn, Tarn walks a little ways away from the fire and settles down next to a tree for the first watch.*

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 12:36 pm
by Fy'Rin
*Fy'rin thanks Varys for the healing and helps police the dead bodies.*

*As long as nothing else is needed of him and the rest of the party is fine, Fy'Rin returns to his spot under the tree.*

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 12:59 pm
by Kathryn Skress
Oh yes, we are fine!

*ruffles Eli's hair*

His bark is definitely worse then his bite.

*Kathryn smiles at Ollumm's remark about arrows as she cleans her long sword*

That reminds me of a funny thing, one time when Roland accidentally shot me with an arrow. It was completely not his fault, of course, but I certainly made him apologize!

*winks and then checks her shield for any dings or blood smears and cleans those as well*

Are we moving camp, to a location away from this blood? Or staying here?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 4:10 pm
by Varys Snow
"Tarn, don't get too comfortable under that tree, I don't know what kind of watches Captain Robin set on her ship, but if you nod off, I'll have more than your tongue!" *As he turns to answer Lady Katherine, he misses the less-than-polite hand gesture that Tarn gives to his back.*

"I think we should stay here. By the time we get far enough away so that anything drawn to the blood won't be able to catch our scent as well, it will be daybreak. Besides, we are all tired and worn out from walking all day, we'll attract more creatures with our noise by stumbling around in the dark than if we stay here. Besides, the roaring of those cats will have scared off most of the other predators for several hours at least. My crew and I'll keep watch, not to worry. As for Eli." he says breaking into a grin, "I think his bite is bad enough that he doesn't have to worry about his bark! It is definitely good to have you two on this trip."

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 5:57 pm
by Eli
*blows the smoke off his fingers...*

Wonder what happened to that bitty little kitty that just ran off like that?

*charges up a new blast. "just in case"

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:27 am
by Kathryn Skress
*laughs at Eli's comment*

Maybe we'll have fried kitty tonight.

*to Varys*

Well, let's not let it be said we didn't pull our own weight. *smiles* I'll help with first watch.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 9:48 am
by Ironhand
*While dressingout the cats with Jason, Ollumm turns to Varys.*

"I got thrid watch if you do not mind. I kind of like watching the land start to wake up. Not like a sand of the Muthon'u Sea. But than having trees all around me is odd too. Either way I'll take thrid watch and start cooking than.

Tarn you gone help with Thrid watch?"

*Ollumm grins at Eli, and chuckles.*

"You know Eli I do not think that cat had a snowballs chance in Kutho to make it. "