Gone Scouting: Day One

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Post by Ironhand »

*Ollumm keeps it to a slow pace. So that McEwan and tarn can keep up. Looking down on the path ahead of them. He grunts and smalls the air before them.*

"Have not seen Jason or Fy'Rin for a few moments. An I got a feel things are gone to get rough out here. Or maybe that is just an old solider's gut talking to him. So Tarn and McEwan keep a sharp eye on the flanks. "

*Ollumm starts looking more often to woods around him. Studying them as they pass thourgh them.*

"Vary's so what do you think of Robins and Donovan's words before we left? I think that when we get back that things are gone to level out into bloodshed. If something is not done soon. An I would hate to see that happen to Haven. But that is just a gut feeling. I hope that I am wrong an things work themselves out before we get back. So M'Lady Skress what are your feelings on this whole pile of things as of late?"
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Post by McEwan »

McEwan trudges onward with his head down in seaming inattention, but his eyes are in constant motion

I be asmellin' trouble both to fore an' aft ta us, boss, may-haps ants afore, may-haps no. May-haps polotics aft o' no.

looks up and smiles to the others

It's lookin' ta be excitin' an' notin' breaks up a long boreing walk like a short scuffle I be a thinkin'.

Looks back down

I no be a worried 'bout ants or Orks.( shrugs )The storm will hit, or the storm will be apassin' and thar is anothing we can be adoin' 'bout it here and now.
Ignorance can be fixed...stupid you're stuck with
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Post by Kathryn Skress »

*to Ollumm*

I think Dovovan is making the mistakes of the inexperienced. Hopefully he will learn from them quickly for this is an unforgiving time. The orcs are misunderstood, and patience, restraint, and guidance is needed to bring them into the fold of Haven, not brute force.

*thinks for a moment*

I hope he gets over this whole "Lord of the Cresent Moon" thing too... in my experience, a group of people will only acknowledge a "lord" who has earned it, not one that came across it by circumstances.
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Post by Eli »


Lord Eli... hmmm. :)

Queen Chief on to something...

*starts bouncing up and down a little on the sholder...
"baa, smite smite.. kneel... ehh, maybe not.. Say do lords have a bed time???"
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )
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Post by Kathryn Skress »

*Laughs with Eli*

Young lords do.

By the way...

*to Ollumm*

Would you please pass along the message to Atrum when you get back to Haven, to quit serving Eli alcohol? He's really quite a bit too young for it, you know.
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Post by Eli »

This gonna be a long walk.. err ride... you don't want an endless supply of elvish wine do you...
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )
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Kathryn Skress
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Post by Kathryn Skress »

Elvish wine is very good. That would be ok for you to have, since it doesn't have an alcoholic effect on elves.
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Post by Eli »

no no no... I meant you gonna get some elvish wine... :P
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )
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Post by Fy'Rin »

*Fy'Rin is seen making his way back to the group, Jason, he would imagine, is not to far behind since we put a little distance between us to get a better feel for the area.*

Nothing to report as of yet. It should be smooth travels for a little while longer any way.

*Pauses to take a drink of water*

*After inquiring as to what the current topic of discussion is*

With the things we were hearing after the incident that night at the inn, I don't think this was all that unexpected. Robin didn't come right out and say it, because I think she was still trying to make her decision, but in some of the conversations we've had since, I got the impression that something like this might be coming down the pipe. When you've spent as much time with her as Varys and I, you know when something has been eating away at her. I think Varys might have gotten the same impression.

Back to work. Since Jason hasn't made it back yet, I should go and make sure he hasn't gotten lost.

*Nods to Skress* My Lady...

*Fy'Rin double times it out infront of the group to scout and make sure Jason is OK.*
Thy soul shall find itself alone ‘Mid dark thoughts of gray tombstone – Not one, of all the crowd, to pry Into thine hour of secrecy. ~Poe
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Post by Tarn »

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Post by Varys Snow »

*Varys seems almost unaware of the conversation around him as his brow is furrowed and he seems to be deeply pondering something. He doesn’t even seem to be making notes for his maps. The group seems almost surprised that he responds to what is going on around him. He never really looks at any of the party while he speaks.*

“I agree with Katherine. I think Donovan is making some mistakes. I think we all are. I’m just glad that I am not in a position of authority where I have to deal with any of it. (*he sighs heavily*) Are the orcs misunderstood? I would tend to agree with you, but whose fault is that? They certainly aren’t helping to alleviate the situation. If they aren’t willing to do that, is the town safe? I’m not sure. However, I’ll be the first one to say that we need them here. They are a strong group and could be and have been a great boon to the town. We just have to come to an understanding between all of us that how we act to each other affects more than just the people involved in the conversation.”

“Do I think it will come to blows, Ollumm? By the wind in my sails I hope not. We don’t need it. It won’t help the town. We just need to be prepared to defend ourselves if it does.”

*He looks up and catches Fy’ Rin’s eye as he’s leaving*

“Keep a sharp eye out. Make sure you two don’t get too far ahead. Even though it should be an easy walk to Woodhold, I want us to act like we’ve sunk their ship and are chasing pirates on their home turf and that they could be behind any tree.”

*Varys goes back to his brooding, something obviously on his mind. Every now and then, he shakes his head.*

“By the way, did I hear someone say they have some elvish wine?”
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Post by Fy'Rin »

*In Reply to Varys as I was returing to my duties at point.*

I'll be ever vigil. You've known me to long, not to think of me any other way.

*In response to Varys's brooding.*
I wouldn't think to hard on it now, you might hurt something we may need later. :? As concerned as I am with leaving Robin behind relatively unprotected, along with some of the other growing issues, we can not dwell no them here and now. We have to keep our wits about us, even on this relatively well traveled road. If anything does happen any hesitation could meen success or starting an adventure in the next world. I personally don't want to have to explain to the guilds, especially Robin, how I let somone fall while under my watch.

*Fy'Rin taps Varys on the shoulder as he heads back out to scout ahead.*
Thy soul shall find itself alone ‘Mid dark thoughts of gray tombstone – Not one, of all the crowd, to pry Into thine hour of secrecy. ~Poe
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Post by jason eldereth »

:o Running Back to The Group Ok I thought you all where going to pickup the pace here Im trying to scout us a fast safe track and you all fell behind but this is not an issue up the road are some tracks but they are possibly one or two days old lets keep a sharp eye out on our travles

Starts to head off to the front to scout some more.......
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Post by Ironhand »

*Ollumm Looks at Vary's*

"It might come to blows and that is a sad day when it happen. But I smell blood in the air. An so I am sticking to my gut on this one. It is kind of like when were in that tavren in North Salic Port. I told you there was a fight coming. An was I wrong when that maggot of a man. Came up to Jason an started beating him about the head a shoulder with a wooden club. No Jason was half dead before you got to him. An than the whole place blew up into a rampage. And who got the blunt end of that one me. Damn near lost my life that day just for being different. All because Jason was drunk an I look like a manbeast. Hmm and they say that your kind is a murderous lot. I do have to say I agree with that at times. It is the fact that the Orc's are different that things might come to blows. An that is why I smell blood in the air.
As for Robin and her place in the town I think she made a bad choice. She is a captain and she had a lot of repect. But in her action as of late things might be hamperd for her. But we shall see how things come to be in the long run.

*Ollumm goes back to searching the area around him as they travel.*

"Oh Jason mapping is not an easy skill. So make sure you find us a nice safe hiding spot to rest tonight. So nothing can creep up on us that easily. But if you like to read I got something for you to read."

*Pulls out a folded over parchment and hands it to Jason. It is blank with a quill in its inside fold.*
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Post by Varys Snow »

"Did Captain Steel make a bad choice? Maybe. But I think that she may have just overestimated the character of some people. She is not used to politics. When was the last time you ever heard of a ship's captain trying to compromise with the crew? It just doesn't happen. On a warship, that will get everybody killed. However, she knew she couldn't just order people around in town. They aren't her crew. If she tried that, she wouldn't have stayed magistrate very long. I think she expected everyone to see that her view was the "right" one, and she just plain forgot that outside of the navy, everyone has a different view of the same thing, and everyone thinks their view is the "right" view. A politician she is not. A captain she is."

* Varys looks up at the sky and squints into the sun to see how low it is on the horizon*

"Ollumm is right, Jason. It'll be getting dark pretty soon. You and Fy' Rin should start to look for a nice defensible position we can set into for the night. We don't want any nasty surprises creeping up on us in the dark."