Item Creation 2/16/05

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Item Creation 2/16/05

Post by GM_Chris »

The Craftsman Item Creation Section

Craftsmen are skilled workers who are able to create items from the mundane to the fantastic. They are relied upon by society to maintain what has already been created and to devise new ways of making life easier. In the fantasy setting, they are the equivalent of carpenters, blacksmiths, engineers, and project managers. In Final Haven, creating and maintaining items is done through the use of time and resources with normal items costing less than more exotic ones.

Creating Basic Items
Basic items in a fantasy setting are those popular items used by the people inhabiting the land. Whether it be shields, swords, or armour, the item will represents the hard work of the maker and his/her continued success as a craftsman, as the owner must return to upkeep its performance and function. All items must be accompanied with an item tag. New item tags must include the date of creation. The chart below represents the Basic items a craftsman can make. There may be other basic items that one would wish to produce. How to make these items, including the time and cost may be found in game or be researched by a Sage Craftsman.

Item……………………..........Time ………….....................Cost……………….......Maintenance+
Simple Locks……........See Below……......…….........1 steel…....................1 Basic
Complex Locks….......See Below…………...............1 steel...............….....1 Basic
Heavy Armour………….....1 hour* ……………........2 steel per local…............1 Basic**
Medium Armour............1 hour *....................1 hide and 1 steel..........1 Basic**
Leather Armour………....1 hour*…………...........2 Hide per local...............1 Basic**
Weapons……………….......1 Hour*……………......…......1 Steel......................1 Basic
Shields…………...........See Below...................see description................No upkeep

*The time is based on 1 location. IE A helmet takes 1 hour and a breast plate takes another hour.
**Maintenance is based on one location.
+All Maintenance times are per event.

Simple Locks
The time it takes to create simple locks is a function of its pick time. It takes 1 hour of craft time per 5 minutes of pick time. Additionally, it takes one steel each year to maintain. Locks must be clearly labeled as being simple or complex.

Complex Locks
It takes 1 hour of crafting time per 2 minutes of pick time. Additionally, it takes one steel each year to maintain. Locks must be clearly labeled as being simple or complex.

All Weapons take 1 steel to make and 2 hours of crafting time. Additionally, it takes one steel each year to maintain.

Normal armor
Normal armour is either light, medium, or heavy. Please see the armour section on page ### for more information on armour.

A Shield can be light, medium, and heavy. A light shield costs 3 stuff and 2 hide, a medium shield costs 3 hide and 2 steel, and a heavy shield costs 5 steel. The time it takes is 30 minutes, 1 hour and 2 hours respectively. Please see the shield section on page $$$ for more information.

Creating Exotic Items
The craftsman is gifted with the ability to create fantastic items that have certain qualities that set them above the rest. These items all use commodities that must be created in-game by Houses or found on plots. There are five types of commodities: focusing materials (FM), rarefied herbs and spices (RH), brewed liquids (BL), written works (WW), and refined materials (RM). All items must be accompanied with an item tag. New item tags must include the date of creation. The chart below represents the exotic items a craftsman can make. There may be other exotic items that one would wish to produce. How to make these items, including the time and cost may be found in game or be researched by a Sage Craftsman.

Quality armor…................2 hours*+......….........1 RM*+…….................2 Basic*+
Quality Shield…................2 hours*...............…4 RM*…..................…No Maintenance
Locking Gauntlets............3 hours………..........2 RM & 2RH ...................1 RH & 1 RM
Form Fitting Armour.........2 hours*+…............2 RM & 2 RH**+…..........1 RH*+
Tourniquet**…...........…….30 minutes…….............1 RH…………...............…1 No Maintenance
Healer kit…………...............2 hours………......…....2 RH………......…................1 RH
Balanced Armor…............2 hours*.......…......…1 RH*…….........................1 BL*
Curved Dagger……...........2 hours*.................2 BL*………......................1 BL*
Balanced Blade……...........2 hours*.................2 BL*……......................…1 BL*
Surgery Kit…………............3 hours………......….....2 RH………….....................1 RH
Lock picks ………….............2 hours…………..........2 BL………......................…1 BL
Channel Crystal…............3 hours…………….........2 FM ......……….................1 FM
Focus Item ………..............3 hours………......……..3 FM………........................1 FM
Codex……………...............3 hours…………...........2 WW…………....................1 WW
Sap....…………….................2 hours………......…....2 BL………….....................1 BL

* cost, time, or maintenance is in addition to the base cost of the item
+ This is per location

Quality armor
This armor can either add plus 1 per location or lower the category of the armor by 1. This armor is created from scratch. Thus, you cannot take an existing suit of armor and turn it into a quality suit. It takes 3 hours per location and 1 refined materials beyond the base cost to create. For example, a normal breastplate costs 2 steel. A quality breastplate then would cost 2 steel and 1 refined materials, the warrior commodity.

Quality Shield
A quality shield adds plus 1 damage it can take before being destroyed.

Locking gauntlets
This allows a person to resist the effects of a disarm. This is a painful process though and to resist the effects of a disarm costs 1 LP.

Form-Fitting armor
This armor is tight fitting and sealed allowing a person who is critically injured to last a bit longer. This armor adds 15 seconds per location. The cost is per location as well as in addition to the cost of making normal armor.

A tourniquet may be used to extend the time a person has to bleed to death by 1 minute. Only 1 tourniquet may be used at one time.

Healer kit
This kit grants a bonus to the first aid skill. Those with the first aid skill may now heal 4 life instead of 2.

Balanced armor
This armor grants a bonus to warriors holding ground. The warrior will get an additional 3 life per location when holding ground. The cost of this armor is based on location and is added to the cost of the regular armor.

Curved dagger
This dagger grants a plus 2 back stab. The cost of this dagger is in addition to the base cost for a dagger.

Balanced blade
This blade takes 3 seconds off the charge time for a backstab. The cost of this dagger is in addition to the base cost for a dagger.

Surgery kit
Surgery kits grant those with surgery 15 chips instead of 10.

Lock Picks
Lock picks reduce the time to pick a lock by half.
Channel Crystal
A channel crystal adds 2 damage onto channels.

Focus Item
A focus item takes 3 seconds off the time to cast a channel. If this is built into a weapon then the focus item creation time is added into the base time for creating the weapon.

The Grimrar Acts as 1 sage when determining hints.

Saps Add 2 to stunstrikes

Maintaining Items
In addition to creating wonderful objects, the craftsman is responsible for upkeeping all non-magical items. To do this, craftsman of at least second level can purchase upkeep tags that fall into one of two categories: normal or exotic. Basic upkeep tags are required for all basic items and exotic tags for all exotic items. Four basic tags cost 1 hide or 1 steel and exotic tags are item specific.

Each player is then responsible for purchasing upkeep tags from the craftsman at a cost the craftsman sets and will include these tags when checking out. Items that go an entire year without upkeep are unusable and new ones will have to be made.

In addition, a third type of upkeep tag is available for magical items. While the craftsman cannot upkeep the magical part of the item (empaths are the only ones who can upkeep magical items), objects that fall into multiple categories will need upkeep tags that represent each category. For example, a balanced suit of armour is both a normal item (armour) and an exotic item (quality) and thus would need both a normal and an exotic upkeep tag. A magical suit of balanced armour would require all three tags.
I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them