Barony of Pellin

Duchy of Bonnifuss

From A Biography of Silverthorne by Sathin Maevers, 1000 P.E.W.

Location: Southern edge of crescent mountains, east of Silverthorne City
Population: Approx. 5200 Humans
Demenses: three fishing villages and a small inland farming village

March 994

The port town of Pellin is small and uninviting. Here the clans of the old hill peoples and the nobles put into place by the kingdom still strive against one another. I think I can cut the tension with a knife. Actually I am quite sure of it From a military perspective however, this barony is falling apart from within. I have been told that each year the pirates raid off the coast and destroy the shipyards the king has founded here. The locals care little, most of them only want to hunt and fish and have been forced into labor as debtors duty.

The constable is eyeing me. He dislikes the standard army a great deal, having his own personal police force, and dislikes me for asking bothersome questions and interfering with his authority. I really did not think it was right of him to behead that man for carrying a sheep though, ah well I guess customs change in distant towns and one must abide by the Law always.

-Strider Al’Terra

The barony of Pellin is located on the coast of the great south sea where the Crescent Mountains meet the water. Deep harbor and tall cedars provided the ideal location for a shipyard, one that has failed to materialize. Twelve years ago, the King declared the need for a strong navy to defend his kingdom against the ravages of the brigand nations, but has been unable to successfully create that navy due to those very forces.

Outside of the baronial seat of Pellin itself, three fishing villages and a small inland farming village form the economic backbone to support the Barony. Each village constable reports directly to the baron once per month.


The rugged mountainous seacoast and deep fjords of the Pellin region provide ideal habitation for a wide variety of wildlife, some of it extremely dangerous. At the bottom of the food chain kelp and small crustaceans form the dietary basis for fish and great sea whales. These in turn are preyed upon by the Shark and the An'Gilriik, known to the locals as black spines. Water trolls of enormous size and strength are not uncommon in the deep fjords as well. Last, and perhaps the greatest predator of the cold seas is the A'via'Blanak, the soaring land.

The An'Gilriik and the A'via'Blanak have never been reported outside of the southern fjords and as such are true wonders to view, should one survive the sight of them. Each has its own dangers.

An'Gilriik is a large spherical floating mass, covered in sharp spines and quills. The beast fills itself with air which it then expels at enormous force spraying spines in all directions. The beast then reels its spines back in on long fibrous tissue strands effectively pulling its victims into its underwater maw. The beast has no eyes and the storm elves claim that it detects prey by sound alone. Because these creatures tend to float along in groups of several dozen and range in size from a one foot diameter to a size of twenty feet in diameter they are extremely dangerous to fishermen and pirates alike. Rumor has it that the storm elves capture young An'Gilriik in glass jars and then catapult them onto the decks of ships they intend to raid to spread chaos and disorder among enemy crews.

The A'via'Blanak is far worse. Two hundred feet or more across, the large diamond shaped beast floats on the surface of the water. Its craggy back and barnacled body looking like nothing so much as a small rock formation rising from the sea. When it senses nearby prey, usually whales or passing ships, the beast glides across the water's surface then gives a mighty heave soaring the last hundred yards or more of its charge through the air. The beast opens a giant maw in its underside and swallows the prey whole. On rare occasions an elderly creature washes ashore and the skin is used to make marvelous watertight clothing and boat hulls. Never has one been recorded killed.

The town of Pellin: population 2,800

Pellin is a densely packed collection of stone longhouses and mead halls. Several families living together in a clan structure similar to that of the dwarves provide for each other and work together on the clan industry be it fishing, boat building, hunting, or warring. The most noted clans of Pellin are the Kors who have shipyards in every village and the Oroscos who have long been responsible for the defense of the region. Lately the Oroscos have been in dishonor because of their inability to keep the roads and seaways of the barony clear of beasties.

Important people of the Region

Regent of Pellin: In the absence of a ruling Baron, the Lady Alviana, Headwoman of Clan Mosher is sitting as regent. She is dealing with the local council, the council of guilds, and the council of clans. Though with the arival of Silverthorn's rulership and patronage, the council of clans has lost much standing, few men will deviate from its wishes.

Sir Fa'Thanor, thane of house Jacorik. A large swarthy man, Fa'Thanor has the universal respect of the local people and has often led raids into the mountains to deal with brigand insurrections or pirates. Though appearing large and slow witted, Sir Fa'Thanor is merely patient and cautious, few men get the best of him twice.

Wirrin of the Shipwright's guild: Wirrin is a wiry old man who has headed the shipwrights guild for almost twenty years. He has made little progress in actual production, but has passed many design innovations and sail techniques on to his headquarters in Silverthorn. These developments in armor and sail may lead to the development of great galleons some day, but not until silverthorn's kingdom can prevent the raiding that occurs incessantly on its shipyards.

Sir Guillam Xin of house Toevass: Sir Guillam is the long-standing friend of Wirring the shipwright and has devoted much of his time and scholarly research into the field of navigation and sailing. He is said to be a gentle man and not at all kin to the arts of war or survival which are most useful in this clime.

Lady Kyaena, of the House Mandalor has little power as little trade or raw coinage passes through these parts. A great deal of Pellin's business is in private bartered services and goods exchanged between families.

Sir Marcus, the DeVris representative to Pellin is a rather unhappy man. Originally from the capital, he feels that being placed here in Pellin is some kind of punishment, even though it is a baronial rank council. Marcus treats criminals as harshly as the law permits, though few cases ever make it to the baronial court, most being solved in private between family and clan.